Submissions table

Submissions table

Why use it?

The submission table is useful for checking the status of submissions and feedback at any stage. It can be used for direct grading and uploading of feedback on an individual student basis. It can also be used for batch grading and uploading of feedback. The table has various filters and columns to allow users to sort and view the table according to different factors.

Table contents

The table can be sorted by any of the columns with red headings. Hide any column using - and + to bring it back.

First part of the table
Table continued.


  1. Select - tick box to select participant - all submissions are selected if the very top box in the column headings is selected.

  2. User picture - this will not be visible to teachers/teacher editors if ‘anonymous submissions’ is enabled

  3. First name/Surname - this will not be visible to teachers/teacher editors if ‘anonymous submissions’ is enabled

  4. Identifier - this is a unique number for submission for each assignment to allow ‘anonymous submissions’ to take place. N.B. Those with the Manager role can view student identities even when ‘anonymous submissions’ is enabled.

  5. Email address - this will not be visible to teachers/teacher editors if ‘anonymous submissions’ is enabled

  6. Status tells you whether a student has submitted anything yet. This is a useful column to sort on so you can group all submissions together. It also shows the marking workflow status (not marked, In marking, etc).

  7. Group - if ‘groups’ are selected in the assignment settings then the student group will be displayed.

  8. Marker - if ‘marker allocation' is selected in the assignment settings, then the allocated marker will be displayed. N.B. If ‘quick grading’ is enabled at the bottom of the table, then this field becomes a drop down listing all markers and Managers and teacher editors can allocate markers.

  9. Grade will show any marks that have been given via the Grade / Quick Grading. It can also be used to upload feedback files etc. on an individual basis. However, there are other more likely ways to grade, see Provide Grades and feedback on individual student submissions.

  10. Edit dropdown offers various options: Update grade (as Grade above); Prevent submission changes prevent further changes by the student (prior to the due date); Grant extension allow student time to submit beyond the cut off/due date; Edit submission you can make changes to the submission on behalf of the student eg. upload a different file.

  11. Last modified (submission) is the date of the last update to that particular submission.

  12. File submissions links to all files submitted. If Turnitin has been enabled, you will also see the similarity score and a grading pencil icon. You can click on either of these to open the submission in Turnitin’s Feedback Studio.

  13. Submission comments if used, enables students to leave comments to which markers can respond.

  14. Grade reviews - this enables a moderator or second marker to add comments that cannot be seen by students.

  15. Last modified grade: date the grade was added/changed.

  16. Feedback comments: This shows any feedback comments entered via Grade or uploaded in a batch process.

  17. Annotate pdf feedback in the form of annotations to a pdf submission will appear here.

  18. Feedback files: Feedback files added via Grade or uploaded in a batch process will appear here.

  19. Audio feedback (PoodLL): Any audio feedback that has been uploaded via PoodLL will appear here.

  20. Final Grade is the latest grade entered via Grade (or another marking method).

  21. Outcomes This will appear if ‘outcomes’ have been set up on the course and applied to an assignment. See Outcomes on Moodle Docs.

Table actions

Grading action

At the top of the table you will see the Grading action drop down box with the options below:

Download all submissions - downloads all the student submissions into a zip file. If the Download submissions in folders box at the bottom of the submission table is ticked, then each submission will have its own individual folder.

Download grading marksheet - downloads a csv file with all the information contained in the submissions table. Marks and feedback can be entered directly into this file and then uploaded back into Moodle.

Reveal student identities - this is only available to those with the Teacher editor or Manager role. Once student identities have been revealed they cannot be anonymised again.

Upload grading marksheet - uploads a csv file back into the submissions table. Column headings must match.

Upload multiple files in a zip - allows multiple files to be uploaded as feedback.

View gradebook - takes you to the gradebook for the course.

Table preferences

Reset table preferences

Button at the top of the table to remove all filters and sorting.


Notify students

Drop down menu at the bottom of the table. Set to ‘Yes’ by default so students will receive an email notifying them once their marks and feedback have been released.

Save all quick grading changes

Red button at the bottom of the table. If quick grading is enabled (see below) and marks and feedback are entered directly onto the submissions table the ‘Save all quick grading changes’ button should be selected to save them.

Filtering and organising the table

Visible / Separate groups

If you have selected groups in the settings of your assignment you can filter by group.

With Selected…

Drop down menu at the bottom of the table. One of more of the submissions must be selected using the Select tick box on the left hand side of the submission table.

Lock submissions - students can no longer submit or make any changes to their submission.

Unlock submissions - Allows students to submit (if the due date has not passed).

Download selected submissions - Downloads the student submissions as per selected.

Grant extension -

Send feedback files

Set marking workflow state


If you scroll to the bottom of the table, you will find the Options section which provides several ways to organise the table for ease of marking.

You can:

  1. Control the number of assignments per page.

  2. Filter submissions by : Not submitted, Submitted, Requires grading or Granted extension

  3. Filter submissions by workflow state : Not marked, In Marking, Marking completed, In Review, Ready for Release, Released.

Quick grading

Ticking this box will allow grades/marks and feedback to be entered directly onto the submissions table.

Download all submissions in folders

Ticking this box will mean that all submissions will be downloaded into individual folders. Un-ticking it will mean that all submissions will be downloaded into one single folder.



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