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Lecture Recording Guides

LSE operates an ‘opt out’ lecture recording policy. This means that anything listed on LSE timetables as a lecture (LEC), taking place in rooms with lecture recording facility will be automatically recorded. Information on how to opt-out of recording can be found within our lecture recording preferences guide

Anything indexed in timetables as a Seminar (SEM) will not be automatically scheduled for recording as these may contain contributions from students who have not given their consent to be recorded. With the exception of the Departments that have an agreement in place to have seminars recorded by default (LL, AC & FM).

To inquire about existing schedules or to request seminar recordings, please contact


Getting started with lecture recording

Guides to help you get set up and started with the LSE's lecture recording platform.

Getting started with lecture recording

Guides to help you get set up and started with the LSE's lecture recording platform.

Publishing your lectures on Moodle

Guides on how to link your Echo lecture recordings to Moodle for students to view.

Managing courses and content

Guides in editing and managing your lectures and courses.

Teaching room equipment

A link to the teaching side support webpage with information around the equipment available in our teaching rooms.

Record Anywhere

Using Echo360 you can capture audio, video or PC using a PC or laptop. Find out how here.

Pre-recorded lectures

Guides to help you get set up and started with pre-recorded lectures from home.

Lecture Recording FAQ’s and other issues

Help with any unanswered questions can be found here.


These pages are created by the LSE Digital Education Team and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License CC BY-SA 4.0