Changing your lecture recording preferences

Changing your lecture recording preferences

From the start of the 2022-23 academic year LSE moved from a mandatory lecture recording policy to an ‘opt-out’ lecture recording policy. All lectures timetabled in rooms with a lecture recording facility will automatically be recorded unless a teacher has opted out prior to the lecture taking place.

Please note these important points:

  • All sessions timetabled as a “lecture” activity in rooms where facilities are available will be scheduled to be recorded unless the lecturer(s) opts out. Seminar sessions for the Departments of Law, Finance and Accounting are also recorded by default. Staff in these departments should opt out where recording is not required.

  • Any other departments wishing to have Seminars (indexed as SEM in Timetables) should contact eden.lecturerecording@lse.ac.uk to make the request

  • The authority to opt out of lecture recording, and the responsibility for implementing this policy, will reside with the individual lecturer.

  • Before opting out of lecture recording, please be aware that the LSE lecture recording policy does not support opting out of recording on any course where there is a student registered who has ‘My Adjustments’ (MAs) in place which includes access to lecture recordings. Please contact the LSE Disability and Mental Health Service (DMHS) to check and discuss before opting out.

  • Recordings will not be used to replace teaching in the event of an industrial dispute without permission of the lecturer(s).

  • The performance rights in the lecture remain with the lecturer(s).

  • See the full LSE lecture recording policy for more details.

Opting out

If you do not wish to record some or all your timetabled lectures you will need to ‘opt out’ of the recordings for that week(s). Please follow the steps below to select which lectures you would like to opt-out from being recorded.

  1. Log into LSE for You with your LSE Network Username and Password.

  2. Click on the ‘Lecture Recording Preferences (opt-out)’ menu item on the left hand bar to open the ‘Lecture Recording Preferences’ form.

  3. On the Lecture Recording Preferences form you should see a list of your courses, with a check box for every lecture (week by week) that is in a recordable room. *See further notes.

You can either:

  • Click on individual check boxes for each lecture that you would like to opt-out from recording. A tick in the check box indicates that it will be recorded.

  • or click the ‘Unselect all’ button to opt-out all of your lectures from being recorded.

Note: a greyed out empty checkbox either means that this lecture is in the past or another lecturer has opted out from recording. See further notes 1 & 2.

  • Click the ‘Save Choices’ button when you have selected all of your recording preferences. Note: You will not receive confirmation of your Lecture Recording Preferences so please be sure to save your choices to ensure that your lectures will be recorded.

  • Recorded lectures will be linked to the Echo360 account of the timetabled teacher. If there are multiple teachers timetabled for a single lecture see further notes 3.

Please contact Eden.lecturerecording@lse.ac.uk if you do not receive your lecture recording on the same day as your scheduled lecture.

Further notes

  1. The Lecture Recording Preferences form adapts and reflects what is in the timetables on a daily basis. If your course has multiple lecturers and your department has not sent accurate week-by-week information to timetables then ALL lecturers on a course will be able to opt out from all of the lectures. It is important therefore that you only opt out from recordings for lectures you are certain you will be teaching.

  2. If another lecturer has already opted out for a lecture you are teaching and you do not want opt out, you will need to contact them to remove their opt-out. The email of the person who has opted out from recording appears when you hover the mouse pointer over the checkbox.

  3. If your course has multiple lecturers and your department has not sent accurate week-by-week information to timetables then it is not possible to predict who will be associated with the recording. Please contact the Eden digital lecture recording team if a recording needs to be reassigned to a different teacher.

For information on how to make your lecture recordings available to students see our Moodle guide.

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