Lecture Recording FAQ's

Lectures are recorded using the service Echo360, see our webpage on for more information


Lecture recordings for 15/16 & 16/17 were hosted on the old, locally hosted, Echo360 system. Unfortunately as of Easter 2019 these recordings will no longer be available as we are only permitted to keep the recordings for a two year period. Periodically we will remove any recordings older than two years at the end of each Easter break. If you wish to keep the recordings you can download and save them locally. For anymore information in relation to this please contact Eden.Lecturerecording@lse.ac.uk.

Our current license with Echo360 allows us to keep lectures for a four year period. Recordings will be deleted periodically at Easter of each year. Please download any recordings you wish to keep and store them locally.

  1. See our guidance on how to opt out from lecture recording. If you cannot see your lectures listed on the lecture recording preferences page on LSE for You then...

  2. Check if you are listed as a lecturer for the course. See the LSE timetables page for details.

    1. If you are listed as a lecturer on the timetable then your lectures should be available for opt-out when you sign into the lecture recording preferences form in LSE for You.

    2. If you are not listed on the timetable, please contact your department admin team to correct this. It's important that timetabling data is accurate for the management of lecture recordings.

    3. Contact the eden.lecturerecording@lse.ac.uk team if you are on the timetable but you are unable to opt out through LSE for You.

LSE operates an ‘opt out’ lecture recording policy. This means that anything indexed in timetables as a lecture (LEC), taking place within rooms with lecture capture facility will be automatically recorded.  

Anything indexed in timetables as a Seminar (SEM) will not be automatically scheduled for recording as these may contain contributions from students who have not given their consent to be recorded. With the exception of the Departments that have an agreement in place to have seminars recorded by default (LL, AC & FM).

To inquire about existing schedules or to request seminar recordings, please contact Eden.lecturerecording@lse.ac.uk

The automatic settings for the room will determine what is recorded, by default we record everything. If you are using the then you will have the option to record audio only.

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