Set an Ad Hoc Recording

Set an Ad Hoc Recording

If you are teaching in a recording enabled room but have not scheduled the recording, or if you wish to record a lecture from your personal device, you can start an ‘ad hoc’ recording.

Before you start

To be able to publish recordings to the Echo360 system, you need to be registered as an Instructor

  • If your timetabled lectures are already being recorded, you will already have an Echo360 account, and will be registered as an Instructor.

  • If you are a Teacher or a Teacher (Editor) in a Moodle course, and that course has a link to lecture recordings link to lecture recordings, you can follow that link to become an Instructor in the corresponding Echo360 section.

  • If you want to create recordings for a different course or are not already registered as instructor, you can contact eden.lecturerecording@lse.ac.uk and state the course to which you want to publish to and they will add you as an 'Instructor'.

In the classroom or from your personal device:

Visit https://echo360.org.uk and enter your LSE email address to log in. Your Echo360 homepage will look like this:

  • At this point you can hit the blue ‘Create’ button at the top of the page

  • You will now be presented with a drop down menu containing the following options:

  • New Browser Capture - Opens the Echo recording interface within your default web browser (no software or downloads needed)

  • New Software Capture - Opens the Echo360 Capture recording interface (Requires the Universal Capture: Personal software to be installed onto your machine - find this software via the link https://echo360.org.uk/downloads )

  • New Device Capture: Allows you to start the recorder from within the class room - simply populate the fields within the dialogue box you are presented with after selecting this option, which will look like the below image.

Now click start and the status light on the lectern will change to red, indicating the recording is in progress.


  • Upload Media - Allows you to upload media from your local computer.

  • Zoom Meeting - Launches a Zoom meeting. If you want to record via Zoom, remember to hit record and select ‘cloud recording'. The Zoom recording will then migrate to your Echo account once the recording has been stopped and it has had time to process (Zoom recordings usually take twice the duration of the meeting length to appear in the user’s Echo library)

  • See this guidance for how to publish single recordings to a Moodle Page. (Ideal for when the ‘Upload Media’ or ‘Zoom Meeting’ options have been used)

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