Allowing users to download course lecture recordings

Allowing users to download course lecture recordings

Recording downloads are enabled/disabled at the course section level, and this can be done by someone who is an instructor within Echo360 for that course. Recording Downloads are disabled by default. To enable recording downloads, see the Echo 360 guide on enabling or disabling recording downloads for a course.

If you would like to change this setting for your course, as mentioned you need to have instructor access to that particular course on Echo360 . Please contact eden.lecturerecording@lse.ac.uk if you do not have the required access. Echo 360 instructors can download recording video files by following these steps:

  1. Log into Moodle and navigate to your course.

  2. Locate the lecture recording link and click on it.
    N.B. If a lecture recording link has not been added to the Moodle page, teachers can login to Echo360 and access the course from there directly.

  3. From the link on Moodle or Echo360, you should see a list of recordings such as the below


  4. Once you see the list, navigate to the ‘Media Icon’ to the right of the recordings



  1. Now you can ‘left click & release’ on the Media Icon to reveal the below menu



  1. At this point select ‘Download Original’ and your download will begin


Note: If the ‘Download Original’ option is not available then downloads are disabled for this course section. Students will need to contact the relevant department regarding the download of lecture recordings.


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