Upload Slides into an Echo360 recording

Upload Slides into an Echo360 recording


If for any reason the lecture recording system (Echo360) has not recorded your slides, fret not. It’s possible to upload them after the video has finished processing. It’s really easy!

Watch the short video guide, or read the instructions below:


Written instructions

  1. Log onto Moodle and access the lecture recording activity
    This will take you to the full recording folder



  2. Select the purple '+' icon on the recording you wish to add the slides to
    To the right of the media icon, you will see a purple and white plus ‘(+)’ icon - click this

    add slide-mh.png

    You will now see an option to upload slides to your recording via the options below

  3. Select Upload a file
    Echo only supports (.ppt) or PDF (.pdf) files. If you have slides in any other format, they will need to be converted. After your slides are uploaded, they will be automatically processed into the recording. This process may take a few minutes. You will receive an email when this step has completed.

The purple '+' icon will be replaced to the below Icon once the slides have been successfully uploaded.


  1. Watch the recording with slides
    Students will now have the slide deck on the right hand side of their recording, where they can flick through using the left and right chevrons.



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