

Why use it?

Badges are a good way of incentivising students, rewarding achievement(s) and/ or steps in their progress. In conjunction with conditions/ criteria (see Completion Tracking), they can be awarded automatically. Students can display them on their profile pages.

Add a Badge

Tip: Click on the question mark icon next to any setting to display extra help or click on Moodle Docs for this page link at the bottom of each page in Moodle for accessing context-specific documentation.

  1. Go to your course, and choose the MORE dropdown from the course menu tab. Choose Badges.

screenshot of More menu dropdown

Give your badge a name and a description, then add an image (these are all required).


Screenshot 2024-01-30 at 12.26.21.png
  1. Set badge awarding criterium. Activity completion or course completion are good choices.

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  1. If, for example. you choose activity completion, a follow-up page will show you a ticklist of activities that have contribute to progress tracking, completion of which will automatically award the badge to the student.
    Click save.

  2. On the next page you can add further criteria, change criteria and, crucially, enable access to the badge.

    Screenshot 2024-01-30 at 12.38.25.png
  3. When you confirm that students can access the badge, your ability to make further changes will be limited.. To make changes again, you must disable access. If even one person has earned the badge, the badge becomes automatically locked and you cannot change criteria again. If you do want to make changes, you will have to duplicate the badge (= creating a new badge on the basis of the old one).

Student access to and view of badges

Once a badge has been created in a particular course, a new menu item will appear in the student view of a course.

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From here, students can view which Badges they can or already have acquired. It will also tell them which criteria must be fulfilled to have a badge awarded. They will also be able to see badges from all their courses from their own profile page.

Screenshot 2024-01-30 at 12.49.03.png




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