

Why use it?

This is a peer assessment activity. Students will submit and may assess their own work as well as other students’ submissions.

It allows you to provide students with Instructions for assessment and/or Example submissions.

You will be able to determine an assessment form to be used, and choose whether to show or hide student identities when assessing the work of their peers.

As the workshop is finalised, students will receive a Grade for submission (given by their peers and, optionally, by the teacher) plus a Grade for assessment automatically calculated by Comparison with the best assessment.

Step 1: Add a Workshop

Go to the course page and turn Edit mode on. Scroll to the section where you want your activity to be displayed, click Add an activity or resource and pick Workshop.

Step 2: Settings

Tip: Click on the question mark icon next to any setting to display extra help or click on Moodle Docs for this page link at the bottom of each page in Moodle for accessing context-specific documentation.


Give the Workshop a Name and optionally a Description which explains to the students what the activity is about.

Grading settings

Grading strategy

Determinate the assessment form to be used and the grading method. From the drop down menu choose:

  • Accumulative grading - enter comments and grades for specific aspects.

  • Comments - provide qualitative feedback for specific aspects, without grading.

  • Number of errors - comments and a yes/no assessment are given regarding specified aspects.

  • Rubric - provide quantitative and qualitative feedback in form of a rubric.


Accumulative grading


Number of errors


Grade for submission

Set the maximum number of points a student can be given by the grader.

Submission grade to pass

Set the minimum grade required for students to pass the assessment.

Grade for assessment

Set a maximum grade for peer assessment. This is the grade that student receives for evaluating the allocated submissions. This grade tries to estimate the quality of assessments that the participant gave to the peers using the Comparison with the best assessment evaluation method which is based on how close the assessment the student completes is to the average of all assessments for that submission.


Student A submission is allocated to peer students B, C, and D to assess. Each gives a grade of 10, 9 and 5 points, respectively.

The average assessment grade is 8. Students B and C will receive a higher grade for assessment than student D.

Submission grade to pass

Set the minimum passing grade for the workshop assessment.

Submission settings

Instructions for submission

Provide submission guidelines for students.

Maximum number of submission attachments

Limit the number of files a student can submit.

Late submissions

If late submissions are allowed, you must manually assign the submission for marking as this will not happen automatically.

Assessment settings

Instructions for assessment

Provide guidelines for peer assessment.

Use self-assessment

This option will enable students to assess their own work. The student will receive a grade for assessment in addition to a grade for their submission.


Overall feedback mode

A text box is displayed at the bottom of the assessment form, where assessing students can provide additional feedback and comments. You can make this required or optional, and you can also specify the number of attachments and maximum upload size of optional attached files, dependent on the course upload limit.


Output a message to be displayed to students at the end of the workshop activity.

Example submissions

Use examples

Provide an example submission for students to practice peer assessment.

Mode of examples assessment

If ‘Use example’ is enabled, you can choose if the example submission assessment should be optional or required.


Set a start date and deadlines for submissions.

The submissions and assessments can be available on the same day but assessments can’t open before submissions.

Switch to the next phase after the submissions deadline: if enabled, after the submission deadline the workshop will automatically switch to the assessment phase. If not enabled, a staff member must manually advance to the assessment phase.

Common module settings

Grouping: allow only the group/grouping that is selected to see and do the activity.
It could be useful for workshop sessions (deadlines) that happen at different times.

The Workshop activity doesn’t support group submissions.


Save and display

Step 3: Phases

The workflow for the Workshop can be viewed as having five phases:

  • Setup phase: is the stage at which course editors are able to edit the settings of the activity, change the grading strategy, and edit the assessment forms.

  • Submission phase: students must submit their work and course editors must allocate submissions for peer review.

  • Assessment phase: students assess the submissions allocated to them.

  • Grading evaluation phase

  • Closed: finalises the workshop.


To switch phase, click Switch to the next phase.

Complete all steps in a phase. Uncompleted phases will have a grey tick icon or a red cross icon .

Click on the step title to open it.

Setup phase

This phase will allow you to add or change any Workshop settings and build an assessment form.


Edit assessment form

Enter assessment criteria. The form you will be presented with is based on the selected Grading strategy.

Prepare example submissions

If you enabled Example submissions, click the Add example submission button to upload your file.


Switch to the next phase to allow students to start submitting their work.

Submission phase

Students will be prompted to submit their work. Allocate submissions for peer review.

Workshop submissions report

View student’s submissions.


Allocate submissions

As students start submitting their work, you can start allocating these submissions to other students for peer assessment. You can allocate submissions as:

  • Manual allocation: manually assign submissions to students to assess.

  • Random allocation: randomize allocation.

  • Scheduled allocation: automatically allocate submissions at the end of the submission phase.


Allocation settings

To specify the Number of reviews per submission or per reviewer, in the Number of reviews drop-down menu, select the number of reviews and whether they are assigned to reviewers or to submissions.

To override previous allocations, select the Remove current allocations checkbox.

To allow students to assess their peers' submissions without having submitted anything, select the Participants can assess without having submitted anything checkbox.

Enable Prevent reviews by peers from the same group to ensure a student’s work can be allocated to anybody except a member of their own project group.


To ensure a student’s work can be allocated to anybody except a member of their own project group, a Tutor must:

  1. Set up Moodle Groups corresponding exactly to project groups;

  2. Apply Groups to the initial Workshop Settings and set Group mode to Visible Groups as a group member works in their own group but can also see other groups.

  3. Within the Allocation settings, enable Prevent reviews by peers from the same group.


Switch to the next phase: to allow students to start assessing peers’ submissions.

Assessment phase

Students will be prompted to assess the submissions allocated to them.

Make reviewing anonymous

If you do not want your students to know whose work they are reviewing and who is reviewing their work, from the Administration block > Permissions page, and click the red cross icon next to Student role to prevent students from View author names and to View reviewer names.

To assess students’ submissions as a Teacher, click the student submission title to open it. You will be redirected to the submission page where you will need to click the Assess button.


Switch to the next phase for grading.

Grading evaluation phase

During this phase, students will no longer be allowed to modify their work or assess each other's work.

You will be able to view and manage submission and assessment grades.

Grading evaluation settings

From the Comparison of assessments drop-down menu, you can set how strict should the Grade for assessment be.

The stricter the comparison, the more similar the student assessment needs to be to the best assessment to obtain a higher grade.


Workshop grades report

Quickly access students’ submissions and completed assessment forms, and view the submission and assessment grades.


Workshop toolbox

  • Clear all aggregated grades: This button will reset aggregated grades for submission and grades for assessment. This will allow you to re-calculate these grades from scratch in the Grade evaluation phase.

  • Clear assessments: Assessments will be deleted and students will need to resubmit their assessment form in their assigned submissions.


How to override grades?

To influence a student's grade, click on the grade you would like to change in the Grades received or Grades given column from the Workshop grades report.

This will open the Assessed submissions page. Scroll down to Assessment settings and select the new grade from the Override grade for assessment drop-down menu. Then click Save and close.


To override the overall workshop grade for a student, open the course Gradebook and enter the new grade for submission or the new grade for assessment.

How to release grades?

Once the Grading evaluation phase is completed, Switch to the next phase to finalise the Workshop activity and to release grades and feedback to students.

Closed phase

Students receive their final grades and feedback comments. They will be able to review their own submission and their peer’s assessment.


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