

Why use it?

This activity can be used as a survey to gather feedback from students

There are many question types (e.g. yes/no, essay, numeric, scale). Responses can be anonymised and optionally displayed to students.

Step 1: Add a Questionnaire


Scroll to the section where you want your Questionnaire to be displayed, click Add an activity or resource and choose Questionnaire.

Step 2: Settings

Tip: Click on the question mark icon next to any setting to display extra help or click on Moodle Docs for this page link at the bottom of each page in Moodle for accessing context-specific documentation.


Give a Name and a Description that explains to the students what the activity is about.


Optionally, set an Open date and/or a Close date from when the questionnaire will be available to complete.

Response options


Set a limit to the number of times participants will be able to respond.

Respondent Type

To anonymise student identities, select the anonymous option from the drop-down.

Students can view ALL responses

Specify if and when should students view other participants' responses.

Save/Resume answers

Enabling this option will allow participants to save their answers if they leave the questionnaire with the possibility to resume from the save point at a later time.

Allow branching questions

If enabled, this option will allow your questionnaire to have branching questions (questions based on responses to a previous question) for Yes/No and Radio Buttons type of questions.

Content options

Create new

Select this option to start a new questionnaire.

Copy existing

If available, select a previously created questionnaire from your course if you wish to reuse it or as a starting point for your new questionnaire.

Use template

If available, select a questionnaire template to copy and edit into your questionnaire.

Use public

If available, you can select a public questionnaire from another course to reuse it or as a starting point for your new questionnaire.


Click Save and display.

Step 3: Add questions

On the questionnaire page, click Add questions or above in the quick navigation menu click Questions.

Displays the page for a questionnaire activity and highlights the 'Add questions' red button and 'Questions' menu item.

From the Add questions drop-down, select a type and click Add selected question type.

For every question type you select, set an optional Question Name.

This name is mainly useful for reference if you export questions to a spreadsheet file. This is not the same as the Question text.

Additionally, set if a Response is required for this question.

Question types

  • Page Break

  • Check Boxes

  • Date

  • Dropdown Box

  • Essay Box

  • Label

  • Numeric

  • Radio Buttons

  • Rate (scale 1..5)

  • Text Box

  • Yes/No

Step 4: Manage questions

At the top of the questionnaire page, in the quick navigation menu select Questions.

Under Manage questions, use the icons next to the question to move, edit, or delete the question.

Displays the 'manage questions' are which shows each question created and the options to move, edit, or delete the question.


Step 5: View responses

At the top of the questionnaire page, in the quick navigation menu click More and then select the View all responses option that appears in the dropdown.

On this page, you will be able to order, delete or download responses.

Step 6: Export responses

At the top of the questionnaire page, in the quick navigation menu click More and then select View all responses > Summary > Download > select the options to include on your report and then click the red Download button.

Displays the tabbed options that must be selected to export responses.



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