

Why use it?

A Moodle lesson is a series of web pages, which contain a mix of text and media content, multiple choice and other question types that can be used to determine the pathway the student takes through the material.

Step 1: Add a Lesson

Edit Mode ON. Scroll to the section where you want your Lesson to be displayed, click Add an activity or resource and pick Lesson.

Step 2: Settings

Tip: Click on the question mark icon next to any setting to display extra help or click on Moodle Docs for this page link at the bottom of each page in Moodle for accessing context-specific documentation.


Give the lesson a meaningful Name and a Description.


In appearance you have a range of options on how the lesson will behave:

To view more options click Show more..

Add media files to be used in the lesson from the Linked media files upload area.

A Progress bar and the navigation menu can be optionally displayed. This means that this information will appear on every page of the lesson.


If required, set an availability date, a deadline or a time limit for the lesson.

Flow control

By changing the flow control settings you can allow students to review the lesson and to attempt questions more than once.


Choose the type of the grade and how to handle grading and attempts.

On completion, click Save and display.

Step 3: Add pages to a Lesson 

Having set up a lesson, you are ready to populate it with content and question pages, which then can be displayed in a linear order or depending on the answers students provide on question pages.

To add pages, you can click on the initial Add a new page… or later choose the relevant page type from the Actions drop-down.

Screenshot of action menu in the when modifying the lesson activity


Content page

This is a page to provide information without the students having to answer questions. When they have finished reading, students click on the Next button to proceed to the next page of the lesson. You as an editor can define which page the student would be taken to.

Question page

You are then prompted as to the type of question you would like to create from Essay, Matching, Multichoice (default), Numerical, Short answer or True/false.

Step 4: Set branching

You can create branches by defining where students would Jump after a content or question page.

Screenshot of the menu in the Content section when adding a page with the option 'end of lesson' selected.


In the case of question pages, you can set where to jump to for different answers. This means, for example, that students who did not answer correctly can be taken to an additional explanatory page which would be not displayed to those who chose the correct answer.

Use the Preview tab to go through different the pathways you have set.


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These pages are created by the LSE Digital Education Team and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License CC BY-SA 4.0