Provide grades and feedback on group assignment submissions

Provide grades and feedback on group assignment submissions

Why use it?

As with an individual assignment, feedback can be provided online and students will be notified once it is available. A clear audit trail of when students submitted and when marks and feedback were provided is available. Feedback can take various forms including audio, annotation, feedback files, a rubric or typed comments.

Step 1: Add an assignment for group submissions

See our guide on adding an assignment for group submissions.

Step 2: Students submit in groups

As per the assignment settings it is possible to require all students to submit or for one student to submit on behalf of the entire group. See our guide on Create an assignment for group submissions for more information.

Step 3: View the marking table

Select the assignment and click View/grade all submissions to view the list of submissions. The example below has been set to receive a single submission per group – the same submission appears beside each member of a group.

A screenshot showing the 'Marking table' with submissions allocated to Groups 1 and 2


You can select a particular group using the group menu below Grading action.

A screenshot of the menu below 'Grading action' that displaying separate options for 'All participants', 'Group 1' and 'Group 2'


The most straightforward method is to click on the red Grade button next to a submission in the submissions table because it provides the option to apply the same mark and feedback to all members of the group.


Step 4: Grade a group assignment

Clicking on Grade will bring up a marking screen with grading options on the right hand side. Enter marks and feedback as per the individual assignment.

Having added a grade, comment and any feedback files, make sure Apply grades and feedback to entire group is set to Yes so all group members get the same result.


Save changes and return to the table where you will see that the same mark and comments have been applied to each group member.

When marking is complete, make sure results are released to students as per the guide on releasing grades and feedback.


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