Digiexam MCQ Grading (IR206)

Digiexam MCQ Grading (IR206)


Digiexam Grading Workflow & Feedback Release

PSS Process

Digiexam Access

Digiexam access instructions are issued by the LSE Exams team. Log into Digiexam using your LSE credentials.

Digiexam records student responses to MCQs and applies automatic grading rules defined by the author of the exam. Downloading scripts as PDF files at the start of the process provides an offline record of student responses. Scripts are anonymised using LSE candidate numbers, allowing them to be sent directly to the First Marker to support marking of any hybrid exams.

PSS Downloads Scripts

Step 1: Navigate to the Exam Summary

The Exam Administrator will end the exam, at this point it passes into the Graded tab of the Digiexam interface.

‘Graded’ tab of Digiexam interface

PSS selects the relevant exam from the list by clicking on the blue link in the list of exams below. Note: check the Exam ID corresponds to the correct sitting of the exam.

Digiexam 10 digit exam ID

The next screen displays the exam summary with automatic grading rules applied. At this point, the student identities have not been anonymised.

Exam summary view in Digiexam (sensitive student information hidden)

Step 2: Download PDF Exam Scripts

Follow instructions in the IR203 MCQ guidance to download the exam scripts for IR206.

Step 3: Save Scripts

Store the downloaded PDF files in a secure and easily accessible location. The filenames include LSE candidate numbers (referred to as student code by Digiexam), which helps maintain anonymity and make it easy to locate specific student scripts at a later stage.

PSS Downloads Grades Spreadsheet

Step 1: Download Grades Spreadsheet

Follow instructions in the IR203 guidance to download the Digiexam grades spreadsheet for IR206.

Step 2: Follow Local Subprocesses

Follow subprocesses in the IR203 guidance for identifying hybrid scripts and students with Letters of Notification (LON) as relevant.

PSS Share Exam with First Marker on Digiexam

The exam must be shared with the First Marker only after Digiexam anonymisation settings have been turned on for the IR206 exam.

Follow instructions in the IR203 guidance to share the exam with the first marker of IR206. If there are multiple sittings, repeat the steps to share all relevant exams.

First Marker Process

Digiexam Access

The First Marker is given the Teacher role within the Digiexam environment. Digiexam access instructions are issued by the LSE Exams team. Log into Digiexam using your LSE credentials.

Step 1: Navigate to the Exam Summary

Once shared by PSS, the exam(s) will appear in the Graded tab of the Digiexam interface.

‘Graded' tab of Digiexam interface

Step 2: Access Exam

In the Graded tab, the First Marker selects the relevant exam from the list by clicking on the blue link. Note: check the Digiexam Exam ID corresponds to the correct sitting of the exam.

Digiexam exam summary with ID highlighted in red

The next screen displays the exam summary with automatic grading rules applied. The student identities will be anonymised and accompanied with their Digiexam identifiers: ‘Student 1’, 'Student 2' etc.

Exam summary with anonymised student list

Step 3: Review Sample of Exam Scripts

First Marker clicks Continue grading in the Digiexam exam summary screen.

Continue grading button

In the grading interface, students that have completed the MCQ exam are included on the right side of the screen. Note that these are referred to by Digiexam anonymous identifiers (Student 1, Student 2 etc.) and not LSE candidate number.

Student in MCQ exam identified by Digiexam identifier

First Marker chooses a random, proportionate sample of MCQ exam questions to confirm automatic marking is correct. Select a question (highlighted green) to view it in the main menu screen. The correct answer, along with the student’s response will be indicated in the list of answer alternatives. At the bottom of the screen is the points awarded for that question.

Digiexam question menu interface

Step 4: First Marker confirms with PSS

First Marker confirms the automatic grading rules have been correctly applied to PSS. Assuming there are no issues, the review of marking has been completed for the exam. .

PSS Publish Exam Results

In Digiexam, the term Publish results refers to the action of releasing exam grades. Users can customise what students see during the release, such as question wording, answer choices, and correct answers, based on their preferences.

Workflow has been designed to meet the requirements of the WT IR206 formative; however, the process is also intended to replicate the Spring summative exam

Step 1: Navigate to Exam Summary

PSS accesses the relevant exam within the Digiexam Graded tab by clicking the relevant exam link.

Digiexam graded tab with MCQ exam or

Step 2: Remove Grading Share from First Marker

From the exam summary view, PSS selects the Share grading work option.

Share grading option

On the next screen, PSS clicks the trash icon next to the First Marker who has the Teacher role. This removes the ability for the marker to access the exam within their Digiexam account.

Details of exam access with trash icon highlighted

Step 2: Remove Anonymisation and Download grades / scripts

PSS selects the option to Remove anonymization to reveal student names and LSE candidate numbers.

Option to remove anonymisation

Step 3: PSS Downloads Exam Scrips and Grades Spreadsheet (Optional)

Assuming there were no issues in the automatic grading rules as part of spot-checks, there is no requirement to re-download either the student exam scripts or offline grades spreadsheet.

If any updates have been made to student responses recorded in Digiexam, PSS follows steps to download PDF exam scripts and download grades spreadsheet.

Step 4: Publish Exam Grades via Digiexam

Publishing the Spring summative exam results via Digiexam is subject to confirmation by project board.

PSS selects the Publish option from the exam summary screen.

Option to publish results

On the next screen, PSS configures the Parts to match the below. Notifications to student emails should be selected.

Configuration of Digiexam’s 'Publish results' menu

This is the end of the process for the IR206 formative.

Step 5: PSS collates student marks from spreadsheets…

To be continued…


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