
Why use it?

The Calendar block displays activity deadlines and custom events.

Note: The default dashboard displays upcoming deadlines and events for each individual for all their courses.

Step 1: Add a Calendar block

  • Editing Mode on.

  • Expand the blocks drawer on the right.

  • Click Add a Block and choose Calendar

  • The block will be added to the bottom of the drawer. You can move it to different positions.

  • The calendar block should now appear on your course for all users.

Step 2: Manage events

Existing events

Deadlines for assignments and other activities are automatically added to the calendar without the need to add them manually.

Add an event

1. Click a day on the calendar to add a new event. A new page allows you to click on Add event. Fill out the form.

Type of event

  • Category - event viewable by everyone on a category-level.

  • Course - event viewable only to those enrolled on the course - created by teachers.

  • Groups - event viewable only by members of a group - created by teachers.

  • User - personal event a student user can create - viewable only by the user.

Further options

By clicking on Show more…, you have the option to give the event a Description, the Duration and to Repeat this event.

Click Save.

Delete an event

Double click on the event and choose the bin icon to Delete.