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Download Centre

Why use it?

The download centre allows for course participants to download course files and folders into a ZIP archive folder allowing for offline access of course materials.

Step 1: Locate the Download Centre

  • Navigate to the course you wish to download materials from and within the quick navigation menu select the More dropdown menu.

  • Click on Download Centre.

Step 2: Select Materials to Download

  • By default ALL available files and folders are selected therefore, you must deselect any that you do not wish to download.

Step 3: Create the ZIP Archive

  • Once all required materials are selected, click on ‘Create ZIP archive’.

Step 4: Access the ZIP Archive

  • The downloaded ZIP file can be accessed within the ‘Downloads’ area of your web browser.

These pages are created by the LSE Digital Education Team and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License CC BY-SA 4.0