How to log in and find your way around Moodle

Moodle: LSE VLE

Moodle is the open source Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), or ‘learning platform’ used at the LSE. It provides an online presence for courses and programmes.

LSE Moodle is available to all teaching staff and students and is used for a variety of academic purposes. Timetabled LSE Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses are automatically created on Moodle.

See also our Moodle Baseline for requirements on how to structure a Moodle course.

Step 1: Go to LSE Moodle

The LSE Moodle homepage is

Step 2: Log in

Click on the Login button in the top right hand corner.

You will then two login options.

Staff and students with email accounts should choose the 'Office 365' option to log in with their LSE email address and password. (You may be required to confirm your identity via Multi-Factor Authentication).

For guests that do not have an LSE email address, but have been given a public account, you should log in via ‘LSE Identity Provider' and then choose “Registered LSE guests” on the next page. Your username will be the email address with which your public account is associated, and the password is the one you set when creating the account.


Moodle landing Page (pre-login)
Screenshot of first LSE Moodle login page
Login Page


Forgotten password

In case you have forgotten your credentials:

  1. If you have an LSE account, reset your password following the ‘forgot password’ instructions on the Data and Technologies Services website

  2. If you have a public account (non LSE account) click Forgot username of password and follow the steps.

Step 3: Finding your way around

Your Dashboard

After logging in, you will be taken to your Dashboard.

We have set a default Dashboard, which you can customise to suit your needs. We recommend you keep the timeline and course overview.
Course Overview – here you are all courses that you are enrolled in. You can use the filter at the top of the Course Overview to determine which courses show here. You can also chose how to sort your courses and which format to view them (Card, List or Summary).

Timeline – this contains any deadlines or dates for activities in Moodle. You can use the tools in this block to determine the period of time shown, whether to sort events by date or by course, and how many events to show.



Customise your Dashboard

Put your page into Edit mode (top right button). Then either drag exisiting blocks or add other blocks to your page

To move any blocks, click on and hold the cross icon in the top right of a block.

To configure, hide or delete a block, click on the cog icon in the top right of the lock.

Use Add a block to select and add other blocks to your dashboard.

Left Side Menu

On the left hand side there is a general menu, which you can expand via the ‘hambuerger icon’, the three stacked small lines at the top.


In the top right hand corner you will see your name and an icon. Click to access your Profile, Preferences, Dashboard, Grades.



The top navigation menu, includes links to other services (LSE Life, Library, Moodle Archive) and the COURSE SEARCH.



Course page

Once you have selected a course, you will be taken to the course main page. The layout focuses on the main sections, i.e. the actual course content. Depending on your teachers' or departments' choice(s) it will either be in collapsisble topics or in a grid format. The below screenshot shows the grid format. LSE has moved to Moodle Version 4.1 (as of 11th August 2023), and there have been considerable improvements to navigation.

You can find information blocks in the BLOCKS drawer on the right, if you expand it by clicking the < arrow. At the top of each course page are shortcuts to often needed areas, like other students or your grades. There is now also a course index, which presents a linear textual navigation INDEX for you to quickly find resources and activities.

Blocks Drawer

On the very right, we have the new BLOCKS area. These are in a drawer, which can be closed and opened to make the main middle content space bigger. The next screenshot shows what the course page looks like when left and right handed menus have been collapsed.


Sections represent weeks or topics, depending on the selected course format. In each section, you can add content, activities and resources.

Hidden content

Some resources on the page are coloured grey, which means that they are hidden from students. Only teachers and editors can see such items. Entire sections can be hidden if required.

Course formats

The two commonly-used formats in LSE Moodle are:

  • Grid

It creates a grid of sections displayed as an image or an icon.

  • Collapsed topics

Similar to the Topics format, but all sections can be toggled on and off.


These pages are created by the LSE Digital Education Team and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License CC BY-SA 4.0