Digital Education Wiki Spaces
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Why use them?
Blocks can be added to the side of course pages to display additional information or to include additional features to be used in your course. They are displayed in a ‘drawer’ on the right hand side, that any course participant can expand or collapse.
Blocks can be moved around or deleted.
Step 1: Add a Block
Go to the course page and switch on EDITING MODE
On the right side is your blocks drawer. Open by clicking on the < arrow icon. Then click Add a Block… then select the name of the block you want to add from the pop up menu list.
Step 2: Move a block
In Edit Mode:
To move a block, click and hold the drag and drop icon on the right top corner of the block and drag the block to a new position.
Remove a block
In Edit Mode:
To remove a block, click the cog icon on the right top corner of the block and from the drop-down click Delete block.
List of available blocks
Block | Description | Useful links |
Activities | Quickly access activities in a Moodle course. This block lists all activities in your course grouped by type of activity (Forums, Assignments, Quizzes and so forth). | |
Administration | No longer necessary! We now have a QUICK NAVIGATION MENU at the top of each course. |
Attendance | Works in conjuction with an attendance activity. | |
Blog menu | Quickly access and/or enter course blog entries. | |
Blog tags | Displays a list of a course blogs. A bigger font-size indicates the most frequently used blogs. | |
Calendar | Displays course and site events in a calendar such as assignment deadlines. | |
Compile discussions | This block will list all the forums and open forums in a course, in two drop-down menus. Selecting a forum from the menu will display all discussions in that forum, in a nested layout, on a single page. This is useful for exporting or printing forum discussions. | |
Completion Progress | Displays the activities/resources of a course that has been (or not yet) completed by a student. | |
Course/site summary | Displays the course description. | |
Courses | It lists links to all courses in which the user is enrolled. | |
Global search | Enables site-wide text searches in Moodle, to easily find specific content in all Moodle pages. | |
Guides finder | Allows users to quick search for any Moodle or lecture recording guides available from the Eden Centre. |
HTML | As a course editor, use this block to to add custom text, multimedia or widgets. | |
Latest announcements | Displays recent announcements posted form an announcement forum in a course. | |
Latest badges | Displays the users earned badges. | |
Learning plans | Quickly access learning plans. | |
Library search | Searches items from the library catalogue. |
Logged in user | Displays the profile of the user who is currently logged in Moodle. | |
Navigation | Provides navigation links to navigate Moodle’s site and course pages. | |
Quickmail | Provides selective, bulk emailing within courses. | |
Recent activity | Displays participants updates since they last accessed the course. | |
Remote RSS feeds | Enables RSS feeds from external websites to be displayed within Moodle. As the information on the other site (for example, news headlines or recently added documents) is changed the block will update to show the latest information. | |
Search forums | Enables text-searches in a course forums. | |
Section links | Quickly navigate to a particular topic/week section of the course. | |
Social activities | Enables additional activities to be added to a course using the social course format. | |
Upcoming events | Lists upcoming events from the Calendar. |
Related content
These pages are created by the LSE Digital Education Team and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License CC BY-SA 4.0