How to sign in to Zoom

How to sign in to Zoom

To create an LSE Zoom account, all you need to do is sign into Zoom using your LSE address and password. See below for how to sign into LSE Zoom.

Step 1: Download, install and run the Zoom Workplace client When you first run Zoom you should see a screen similar to below:


Step 2: Click ‘Sign in’ and then “Sign in with SSO”

Step 3: Enter ‘lse’ into the ‘company domain’ box.

Step 4: Enter or choose your LSE email address and password when prompted.

Step 5: Click ‘Open link’

Step 6: A successful sign in should look like this:

Using zoom with your students?

To learn how to schedule and start a Zoom meeting with your students from within LSE Moodle, see this guide.


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