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How to share presentations/media files via Echo360
Why use it?
While Echo360 is primarily used as the School’s lecture recording system, students can also use it to host and share learning related content. Once uploaded to Echo360, media files can be shared with others, including through Moodle courses. This is particularly useful if you wish to share videos or narrated presentations, which may otherwise may be too large a file size to upload directly to Moodle.
Accessing Echo360
If you've ever accessed a lecture recording on a Moodle course, you should automatically have an Echo360 account.
Go to to log into Echo360 using your LSE email address and password.
Uploading content to Echo360
Click Create.
Click Upload Media.
3. Select the content you wish to upload. Before uploading, you may wish to check the list of the file formats supported by Echo360. If you wish to share the content to Moodle, you should ensure that your content is saved as an .MP4 file.
Note: Although .pdf, .ppt and .pptx are listed as acceptable file types, they cannot be shared to Moodle. If you need to share a presentation to Moodle, you should first save it as an .mp4. Microsoft’s Turn your presentation into a video guide details how to do this. Mac users should consult Microsoft’s Save a presentation as a movie file or MP4 guide.
4. Once you have selected the file you wish to upload, click Upload in the bottom right corner. You are able to upload more than one file at once, depending on size.
IMPORTANT: Closing the upload window before your upload(s) is complete will cancel the upload. Do not do this unless you want to cancel the upload.
5. Once the file has uploaded you should see a confirmation message.
6. The newly uploaded file appears in your Library but is dimmed while it is processed. You can navigate away from the Echo360 website while it’s processing as this may take a while depending on the length of the recording.
Note: you may need to refresh the page to see the newly uploaded file.
Adding closed captions to a video in Echo360
Before sharing your content, you should ensure its accessibility by enabling closed captions. Echo360 automatically creates a transcript of video content uploaded to the platform. Because this is created using automatic speech recognition (ASR), you will need to read and edit the transcript to ensure its accuracy.
Find your video in your Echo360 library and click on the ellipses (three dots) on the right hand side.
2. Click on More Actions and then Edit Transcript.
3. The video together with the ASR generated transcript will load. You can now read and edit the transcript. To edit the transcript, please refer to Echo360’s guide, Editing a Transcript using the Transcript Editor.
4. Once you have saved your edited transcript, click Apply to CC. You will see a pop-up asking you confirm. To confirm, click Apply.
To see the applied transcript in action, play the video in the playback panel, with the CC button turned on.
Sharing content from Echo360 to Moodle
Once you have uploaded content to Echo360, you can share it through any Moodle activity that provides an online text editor. The steps in this guide correspond to adding a presentation to a Forum but are applicable to any activity using an online text editor. If you are submitting video to an Assignment, please see our separate guide, Submit video to Moodle Assignments using the Echo360 plugin.
Go to the relevant activity on Moodle and the area where you wish to contribute, e.g. a new forum post or replying to a forum post.
If the online text editor isn’t immediately visible, you may need to click on Advanced.
3. In the toolbar of the online text editor, click on the Echo360 icon.
4. Select the file you wish to share from your Echo360 library and click Next.
5. Click Insert.
6. You should then see the file name inside the Online Text Editor
7. Click Post to forum or the equivalent button relevant to your Moodle activity.
8. You should then see the content embedded within your post.
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