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Disable or limit self-enrolment on your course
By default, self-enrolment is enabled on every Moodle course. Any user with an LSE IT account can enrol as an auditing student on any module. However, there may be times when you wish to disable or limit this feature.
What self-enrolled users can see
Self-enrolled users are typically assigned the “Auditing Student” role. They can access all course materials and participate in activities unless conditional restrictions have been put in place. They cannot view hidden courses or materials.
Self-enrolment in archived courses
LSE’s current policy disables self-enrolment on all archived courses at the end of August, following IRDAP. Existing self-enrolments remain active, meaning users already enrolled can continue to access the course, but no new users will be able to self-enrol. See LSE Moodle Archive
Disable or limit self-enrolment
Option 1. Completely disable self-enrolment
To prevent both new and existing self-enrolled users from accessing your course:
Navigate to your course and select the Participants tab.
Click the drop-down menu and select Enrolment methods.
Locate the Self-Enrolment method in the list.
Click the Eye Icon to disable it. (The eye will appear crossed-out and grey.)
Note: Disabling self-enrolment changes the status of all users enrolled via this method to ‘not current,’ which prevents them from accessing the course.
Option 2. Prevent future self-enrolments, but allow existing users to remain
If you want to stop new users from self-enrolling while keeping access for those already enrolled:
Navigate to your course and select the Participants tab.
Click the drop-down menu and select Enrolment methods.
Locate the Self-Enrolment method in the list.
Click the Gear Icon (⚙) to edit the settings for this method.
Leave ‘Keep current self enrolments active’ as ‘Yes’.
Change ‘Allow new self enrolments’ to ‘No’.
Click Save changes.
Option 3. Password protect self-enrolment
To restrict self-enrolment to users who know the password:
Navigate to your course and select the Participants tab.
Click the drop-down menu and select Enrolment methods.
Locate the Self-Enrolment method in the list.
Click the Gear Icon (⚙) to edit the settings for this method.
In the Enrolment key field, enter a password.
Share this password only with the intended participants.
Click Save changes.
Option 4. Limit the duration of self-enrolments
To set self-enrolment to expire after a set number of days:
Navigate to your course and select the Participants tab.
Click the drop-down menu and select Enrolment methods.
Locate the Self-Enrolment method in the list.
Click the Gear Icon (⚙) to edit the settings for this method.
In the Enrolment duration field, tick Enable and enter a number of days or weeks.
Click Save changes.
Students will lose access to the course x number of days after they first self-enrolled.
Option 5. Limit the period during which users can self-enrol.
To allow users to only self-enrol during a specific time frame:
Navigate to your course and select the Participants tab.
Click the drop-down menu and select Enrolment methods.
Locate the Self-Enrolment method in the list.
Click the Gear Icon (⚙) to edit the settings for this method.
Enable and set the Enrolment starts and/or Enrolment ends fields to define your desired time frame.
Click Save changes.
Once the enrolment period ends, new users will be unable to self-enrol. Existing self-enrolments will remain active.
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