Getting Started with lecture recording

Getting Started with lecture recording

Echo 360 (www.echo360.org.uk) is a system for the automatic, scheduled recording of lectures. It allows you to arrange for your lecture to be recorded and made available to students online. In lecture theatres video of the speaker, audio and visual materials are recorded. In classrooms, audio of speaker and visual materials (slides etc) are recorded. Personal Capture allows you to make recordings from your office or at home, and publish them via LSE’s lecture recording system. You can record your voice, whatever is on your PC screen and webcam video.


A list of rooms you can record lectures in can be found here - Rooms with the lecture capture facility, for a list of the equipment available in our rooms please go to the school's AV webpage.


On the left-hand side of this page, you will find handy how-to guides that will help you use the Lecture capture software effectively to get started please see the below.



Why should we use lecture capture?

  • Recordings of lectures provide a supplementary resource for students to use.

  • Recordings are beneficial for review – especially of complex procedures or concepts

  • useful to students with cognitive and/or physical disabilities

  • a useful revision aid

  • It is particularly useful for students with learning disabilities or whose first language is not English.

  • Personal / Universal capture recordings can be used for flipped learning models which encourage students to prepare before class.

  • Research shows that recording lectures do not affect attendance in class.


Once your recordings are ready you can add them to your Moodle page, see our Moodle guide for details.


If any of your lectures are being delivered by a guest lecturer from outside of LSE then please complete and keep the following consent form


Please visit the Communications Division’s website for more information on support for recording your event.


If you need to get in contact with us please email us at - Eden.lecturerecording@lse.ac.uk


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