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Key Information
Table of Contents:
- 1 Important Dates
- 2 Moodle Upgrade Timeline
- 3 Why is LSE Moodle being upgraded?
- 4 When will the upgrade take place?
- 5 Who will be affected by the upgrade?
- 6 Will LSE Moodle be available while the work takes place?
- 7 How do I prepare for the upcoming service disruption?
- 8 What will LSE Moodle look like after the upgrade?
- 9 Will I be able to submit my online assignment after the upgrade?
- 10 What if I have further questions about the upgrade?
Important Dates
Please ensure that you plan accordingly for the upcoming disruption to LSE Moodle service.
LSE Moodle Migration - 18 July 2023 ✅
The LSE Moodle migration work is scheduled to take place on Tuesday July 18th.
The main LSE Moodle site will NOT be available to staff and students for up to 24 hrs on this date.
Moodle Upgrade - 9 & 10 August 2023 ✅
The LSE Moodle upgrade will be scheduled to take place on Wednesday August 9th and Thursday August 10th .
The main LSE Moodle site will NOT be available to staff and students for up to 48 hrs on these dates.
Moodle Upgrade Timeline
Approximate timeline for the upcoming LSE Moodle Upgrade taking place over Summer 2023:
May: Moodle Upgrade Announcement
June: Staff Briefing Sessions (book via LSE TDS )
July: Moodle 4.1 User Resources Published
August: Upgrade to Moodle 4.1
Why is LSE Moodle being upgraded?
Current LSE Moodle is on Version 3.9 which has reached its end of life for security support and updates.
It is essential that we upgrade to Moodle Version 4.1. This will allow for LSE Moodle to remain fully secure and up to date.
When will the upgrade take place?
The upgrade of our main LSE Moodle instance is due to take place during early August to avoid disruption during term time.
This will require some disruption to normal LSE Moodle service. The specific dates will be shared in the ‘Important Dates’ section above when available.
Who will be affected by the upgrade?
The upgrade due to take place over Summer 2023 will affect only the main instance of
Those who use other Moodle instances such as LSE Short Course will NOT be affected as they will be upgraded later on in the calendar year to avoid disruption to Summer School and other activities.
Will LSE Moodle be available while the work takes place?
LSE Moodle will NOT be available while the migration and upgrade work takes place.
Some downtime and disruption to the normal LSE Moodle service will be required for this work to be completed. This means that neither students nor staff will be able to access LSE Moodle during the planned service disruption.
How do I prepare for the upcoming service disruption?
LSE Moodle will be NOT be available to students and staff while the migration and upgrade takes place.
There are a few useful things to note below which will help you prepare for the disruption to main LSE Moodle.
1. The Download Centre
Users can easily download materials from Moodle course pages using the Download Centre which is at the bottom of their personal navigation block on the left. Use the dropdown below for detailed instructions.
2. Lecture Recordings via Echo Video Platform
Lecture recordings for a course are normally accessed through a link on the Moodle course page. Instead, these recordings can continued to be accessed directly through the Echo Active learning platform.
Please Note:
A student must be enrolled on the relevant Echo course to access content directly from there. They should be already enrolled if they have previously accessed the lecture recording link on Moodle.
If not, the will need to do this for each course in advance of the planned Moodle service disruption to ensure they are automatically enrolled in the corresponding Echo course.
3. Reading Lists via Ex Libris Leganto
Reading lists for a course are also normally accessed through a link on the Moodle course page. Instead, these resources can continued to be accessed directly through the Ex Libris Leganto platform.
4. Access to Moodle Archive 2022-23
The 2022-23 Moodle Archive will be available for access from mid July following the annual archive ‘snapshot’ which took place on the 11th July, 2023.
What will LSE Moodle look like after the upgrade?
The upgrade to Moodle 4.1 will bring a new contemporary look and feel with an improved/simplified navigation and rejuvenated dashboard. There are also new and improved features which you can learn more about on the Upgrade to Moodle 4.1 page.
Also, please do sign up to our Moodle Upgrade 2023 Briefing Sessions where you will have an opportunity to learn more about what Moodle 4.1 will bring and ask any questions that you may have.
There is also an official announcement from Moodle which provides some further detail and insight about Moodle 4.1: Announcing Moodle LMS 4.1 - a refined user experience.
Please Note:
The upgrade to Moodle 4.1 will NOT affect any existing content within the current LSE Moodle. Only the look and feel of Moodle will change along with new and improved features.
Will I be able to submit my online assignment after the upgrade?
While the upgrade will bring some minimal visual changes to the workflow for submitting a Moodle assignment activity you will still be able to submit as normal.
Please see the LSE Moodle Upgrade 2023 - A look at the Assignment activity guide which provides an overview of the visual changes you will see when submitting an assignment in LSE Moodle post-upgrade.
What if I have further questions about the upgrade?
Please contact the Digital Education Team at if you have any questions or concerns about the LSE Moodle Upgrade 2023.
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