Moodle Improvement Project

Moodle Improvement Project

Why are we doing this?

To make Moodle consistently and universally accessible and navigable by means of good and educationally sound design principles.

Our changes will be aligned to the LSE Moodle Baseline.

Moodle fit for 2023

What’s coming

  1. An LSE Moodle course template designed for universal access, consisting of good navigation and clearly organised structure, designed for students and staff regardless of what device or browser they use and fully aligned with our 2021 LSE Moodle Baseline.

    1. Bespoke departmental templates on the basis of the above, designed in consultation with departments, academic and PS staff.

  2. An integrated accessibility toolPanorama”, to focus and instill:

    • Accessibility awareness (and universal design)

    • Accessible resources and course organisation

    • Accessible grid course format and consistent elements for easy, accessible navigation.

Template Steps

Base Template (aka “Übertemplate”)

  • Developed by Sonja and Sarah*, Eden Digital team

  • Sacrosanct school-wide baseline for Moodle

  • Includes minimum required activities and guidance.

*see bottom of this page for which of us is responsible for your department(s)

Bespoke Departmental Template

  • Developed by Eden Digital in consultation with the department

  • Builds upon base template and adds/adapts any other features departments deem universally desirable

  • May include extra activities and guidance documentation specific to department.

Individual Moodle Course Pages/ Existing courses

  • Developed by academics/PSS using provided templates

  • Eden Digital available for consultation on improvements.

  • DDGTAs (under Eden Digital guidance) convert existing courses

Next: achieving a streamlined accessible, navigationally consistent universal design educationally sound look across LSE Moodle.

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These pages are created by the LSE Digital Education Team and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License CC BY-SA 4.0