Accessible, Consistent, Universal Design

Accessible, Consistent, Universal Design

We’re designing Moodle for a more streamlined, accessible experience.

(See also: Moodle For Learning, and in particular, the LSE Moodle Baseline)


  • Accessible file formats

  • Inclusive design


  • Bespoke templates

  • Improved student experience

Universal Design

  • Navigational consistency

  • Sound Design principles

  • Teaching-led tool options

  • All in one place


We are adding new templates and tools to Moodle to make LSE’s learning spaces more accessible for everyone across their devices. Improvements will include:

  • WCAG 2.1-compliant templates along with guidance on inclusive design practice for all courses.

  • New Panorama tool to assess accessibility of courses and materials.

  • Panorama document conversion tools to make content accessible for their individual needs.

  • Improved navigation guidance with focus on what students access the most.


We’ll be working with departments to create templates that will standardise some elements of Moodle to keep it intuitive for students, while allowing courses to retain individual traits.

  • Same Moodle robustness, infrastructure, stability and open-source ethos.

  • Basic minimum design standards common to all courses in LSE

  • Agreed themes, colours, and lay-outs at the departmental level

  • Extra support and guidance on how to develop learning spaces to match needs of a specific module

  • Moodle baseline support to help instructors choose the best activity or resource for their teaching needs.

Universal Design

We’re working to make sure you can manage all your online teaching tasks from within Moodle without having to switch to other websites. For moodle editors, we will consult on best practice to make editing comfortable, accessible and less chaotic.

  • Advice on sound navigation principles

  • Avoiding duplication, scrolling, informtion overload - support on how to write instructions

  • Integrated Zoom scheduling and management within Moodle.

  • Improved integration of lecture-recording and other video material.

  • Moodle Panorama dashboard for assessing and improving accessibility of teaching materials.

  • Reading list, lecture capture, Turnitin, assessment portals, and discussion spaces all in one place.

  • Built in guidance on adapting templates for your needs.

  • Improved tools for creating, sharing, and reusing interactive learning materials.

Next: setting out which principles must be adhered to and which design elements must be present in each Moodle course: the “Übertemplate”.


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