Submitting a CampusPress site for assessment (Student Guide)

Submitting a CampusPress site for assessment (Student Guide)

Submitting a CampusPress site for assessment

CampusPress does not have a particular mechanism for assessment submission. Therefore, how your site will be assessed will be determined by your department. They could choose either of the following methods:

  • Via the class site. On the due date, your teacher locks your editing rights so that you can no longer make any changes to your site and access it for marking through the Class Site. Once the marking cycle has completed, your teacher can restore your editing rights.

  • Via Moodle. You may be required to submit the URL for your site to a Moodle assignment. The URL for your site will be in the format of showcase.lse.ac.uk/username/. As with the previous method, your teacher will lock your editing rights so that you can no longer make any changes to your site during the marking cycle.

If you have more than one site, each subsequent site will have a number after your username so that your second site would be in the format of showcase.lse.ac.uk/username1 and your third will be in the format of showcase.lse.ac.uk/username2 etc.

For further support, please contact eden.digital@lse.ac.uk.




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