Submit/upload your assessment on Moodle (for time limited assessments with a common start/finish time and any other assessment that isn't time limited)

Submit/upload your assessment on Moodle (for time limited assessments with a common start/finish time and any other assessment that isn't time limited)


The aim of this guide is to provide you with the information required to access your assessment and submit your file to Moodle, during the online assessment period.

Please read the instructions below carefully, regardless of your familiarity with Moodle activities.

Make sure you are accessing the right Moodle course and are submitting to the right place! Some departments have special assessment or IRDAP Moodle areas set up. Follow your departments' guidelines!

1. How to access your assessment

  • Log into Moodle (www.moodle.lse.ac.uk) and go to the course you want (i.e. XX100).

  • A Moodle Assignment link appears in Moodle as below. To access an Assignment click on the Assignment’s icon and/ or name.


  • The page that appears is similar to the one below. It provides information about the assessment, including the Due date.

Note: Read the assessment instructions carefully. They provide critical information related to your submission.

Submission start page
  • If there are attachments available, (i.e. ‘Question Paper’) you need to click on the attached file(s). That will prompt a popup window for you to open or save the file as shown below.

Note: Read the question paper carefully, and follow the assessment guidelines in preparing your response. For revision support, check out the LSE LIFE MOODLE resource and keep an eye on the LSE LIFE support web pages.

2. How to submit your assessment

To upload/submit your work:

  • Log into Moodle and go to the course you want (i.e. XX100).

  • Click on the Assignment’s hyperlink name. On the screen that appears click on the Add submission button.

  • On the screen that appears, you can either

i) drag and drop your file on to the Files area shown on the image below, OR

ii) you can use the Add file icon, then select the Upload a file tab, and then manually Browse for the file you want to upload. Then click on Upload this file. Do not fill in ‘Author’ information, leave this field blank.

  • On the screen that appears, you must tick the academic integrity statement as shown below, before you are able to submit, by clicking on Save changes.

  • The page now shows your submission status, including a link to the file you uploaded. Most assessments will have Turnitin enabled. In this case you will also see the Turnitin status (either Queued or your Turnitin Submission ID) under File submissions.

2.a Convert a Word file to a PDF

If you are asked to submit a PDF only document, you can easily convert your MS Word document into PDF by choosing Word > File > Print and then choose Save as PDF.

3. How to delete (change) a submitted file

If for whatever reason, you need to change the file you uploaded, you can follow the steps below.

  • From within the Assignment page, click Edit submissions.

  • Click on the file you submitted.

  • On the pop-up window that appears, click Delete and confirm your wish to delete this file. The file will be deleted and you can follow the instructions in 'Submitting' above to re-submit a new file.



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