

Reports in Moodle will tell you what your students have been doing in a module and when. You can use reports to provide you with information on how students are interacting with content and activities on your module.

There are limitations to what that information communicates. Information is nothing without interpretation and human understanding. Information / data cannot shed light on intention, motivation, cognitive uptake and so on.

Use moodle reports to give yourself editing feedback, ask for example:

Are there activities that nobody interacts with? If so, why not? Do they need to be reviewed, or would stronger signposting encourage student engagement?

Moodle reports provide

  • a log of activity in your module.

  • a course activity report, showing the number of views for each activity and resource.

  • a participation report for a particular activity.

  • graphs and tables of user activity.

Moodle.org have produced a screencast on using logs in Moodle to support student engagement.

How to start:

In your course, find your course administration block (left hand side!). Among the reports options you have various options to choose from.


Report contents


Logs allows you to pull specific activity reports from your module.

You can filter the report by:

  • individual users i.e. students,

  • a specific day

  • all days (all activity since the module started), 

  • resource or activity, and 

  • action i.e. update or view.

You can decide to view all the information on a page within Moodle or download it as a CSV or Excel file.

Live logs

Shows all activity, as above, but only for the full past hour. This can be useful if you are planning on making a change to an activity as you can check if it will impact on any users who are on the module and interacting with the activity.

Activity report

Shows views for individual resources in the module, and when they were last accessed, sorted by topic.

Individual activity reports
If activity reports are enabled for a course in the course settings, each course participant can access reports of their contributions, such as forum posts or assignment submissions, logs and a statistics report. Very useful for students' own feedback and evaluation.

Course participation

Allows you to run a report on participation in a module with the ability to:

  • search back by days, week or months,

  • filter by role i.e. student and

  • filter by type of participation i.e. view or post.

It then gives you information on whether users in the user group you have selected have undertaken the activity. You can choose to send a message to those people. For example, you might want to encourage students who have not posted to a forum to make some contribution.

My feedback

This is a plugin for students to access all their feedback across their courses quickly.

Activity completion

Completion of all activities for all users in the course. Please see Activity completion guidance.


You select a Course, a Report type and a Time period. The statistics are presented in a graph and a table

Last access to course

To get an overview of data about when a student/s last accessed a module/s. You might then want to contact students who have never access the module a few weeks into start of term.


This guide is based on this one: https://sleguidance.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Moodle/pages/5341449/Reports by City University London, licensed under attribution-sharealike 3.0 Unported License.


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