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What’s new in LSE Moodle?
The video resource below provides a brief overview of what upgrade LSE Moodle looks like.
Course Index Drawer - simplified editing!
The course index is the collapsible drawer on the left and it will change your (Moodle Editing) life!. It displays course sections and elements. As you move up and down the central course area, your location is highlighted in the Course index. Clicking on an item in the Course index will open it up directly in the course central area. Where items are indented in the main area, they will also be indented in the index.
This means
users can directly go to any section, activity or resource by using this textual menu
editors can drag and drop sections to rearrange their courses, and easily rearrange items from one section to another.
Gradebook access and view - more sensibly arranged!
The gradebook comes with a few improvements: easier access via Grades in the new direct link menu at the top of each course and the large gradebook spreadsheet has a fixed width on the page (no more horizontal scrolling)
Navigation Menus
Navigation menus are much better in Moodle 4.1. Expand to see how they have been more neatly and “intuitively” assembled. .
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