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Moodle Translation Inspiration Matrix

Quick approach for those who already know what they want students to do.


Do you already know what you want your students to do but not sure how to achieve it with moodle? Use this quick inspiration table

You want your students to: 

What or how? 

Achieve it with Moodle:


Text that you have written 

Add it as a resource, eg upload a file or as a Page.


Scholarly texts 

Reading lists


3rd party materials on websites 

Link straight from any section in Moodle (text editor) or choose URL link as a resource


Video that you have produced 

Use Echo 360 to produce and/or upload.


Video lectures 

Echo360 (automatic lecture recording)


Videos on LSE website, YouTube or elsewhere 

These are links, which you can set to embed into Moodle sections and pages (using the text editor)


Asynchronously (time of individual students' choosing)

Forum activity 


Synchronously (at the same time)

Chat activity 


Links to useful resources, examples, etc. on websites 

Database activity 

Glossary activity 


Photographs that they have taken 

Database activity 

Glossary activity 


Assignments for marking 

Assignment activity 


Self-test exercises 

Quiz activity 


Interactive exercises 

H5P activity 


Questions from the lecturer

Q & A forum 


Questions about the lecture

Hot Question 

These pages are created by the LSE Digital Education Team and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License CC BY-SA 4.0