Student Online Learning FAQs

Student Online Learning FAQs

You may also find useful the following FAQ for students

Q1: How do I access and submit my summative exam/coursework on Moodle?

A1:  Please see the following guides:

Q2: I am experiencing technical problems regarding my assessment in Moodle. Who do I need to contact?

A2: For any technical problems during your online assessment periods, contact DTS Tech Support on Tech.Support@lse.ac.uk or phone: (+44) 020 7107 5000

If you experience any problems during submission, please follow your department’s advice to email your file(s) as soon as possible to the relevant Departmental staff. Please note that you are subject to incurring late penalties if you submit your assessment late.

Q3: I forgot my Moodle password. What can I do?

A3: Your Moodle password is always the same as your LSE network password. Please follow the guidance within the FAQs on the DTS Accounts and Password webpage. 

You can contact Tech.Support@lse.ac.uk for support or phone: (+44) 020 7107 5000

Q4: I missed my assessment/coursework deadline, who do I need to contact?

A4: Please contact your course administrator.

Q5: I don't have access to my Moodle course / I am not enrolled onto my course. What can I do?

A5: This is known to occasionally happen. On most courses you can self-enrol. Self-enrolling will give you the same access as being regularly enrolled on a course. You can also contact the course administrator for access.

Q6. There is a problem with my exam script, who should I contact?

A6: Please contact your course administrator or the designated person from your department.

Q7: I uploaded the wrong file for my assignment. What can I do?

A7: Please see the relevant section of the guide: 

Q8. I am having trouble submitting my timed assessment via Moodle, what should I do?

A8: If you experience any problems during submission, please follow your department’s advice to email your file(s) as soon as possible to the relevant Departmental staff or submit your final assessment file through the alternative submission link (https://lseportal.force.com/studentservices/s/assessment-submission-form) as soon as possible and notify your department by email once you have submitted using the alternative link. Please note that you are subject to incurring late penalties if you submit your assessment late.

Students who experience exceptional circumstances should follow the School’s Exceptional Circumstances Policy and submit evidence of their circumstances for consideration at relevant exam boards. Failing to submit valid and successful exceptional circumstances for late submission would automatically result in students being awarded a Zero Fail.

Q9. I have been asked to scan my work, but I do not own a scanner. What should I do?

A9: Please see our guidance: "Scanning" documents for online assessments.

Q10: Do students have access to LSE’s Zoom licence? 

A10: LSE’s Zoom contract includes access for all students and staff to allow for teaching and self-organised study sessions. Students can sign into Zoom with their LSE e-mail address and password and they will have access to a full licence and no meeting time limit. If recording your own meetings, please download and then delete your cloud recordings to conserve cloud recording space for teaching sessions.

To start using Zoom:

Q11: What is Zoom? Do I have to use it and how do I use it? 

A11: Zoom is a video conferencing tool that allows you to attend synchronous teaching sessions, or to organise your own meeting with classmates. To use LSE’s Zoom licence, you will need to first download and test Zoom Client for Meetings from https://lse.zoom.us/download. Zoom publishes its own support documentation on how to use various features (e.g. polls) and also runs training webinars on various topics. 

Q12: Can students request their own Zoom meetings?  

A12: Yes. Students do not need to request access or permission to create their own meetings. They can use Zoom independently to schedule group meetings, collaborate on group projects or for self-convened study groups, etc. Please see Zoom’s guide, Scheduling meetings, to learn how to set up meetings.

Q13: Why can’t I join the Zoom chat when using Chrome or Safari browser? 

A13: Some users may find that they can see but not interact with the chat feature of Zoom when using Chrome or Safari browsers. To fix this issue select the Use more accessible interface option rather than the Click here to enter the chat now option. Alternatively use another browser such as Mozilla Firefox.

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