Enrol/self-register on a Moodle course

Enrol/self-register on a Moodle course

Technical Support 

For any technical problems during your online assessment periods, contact DTS Tech Support on Tech.Support@lse.ac.uk or phone: (+44) 020 7107 5000

January 2022 Online Assessment Period (4-17 January)
DTS Tech Support will be operating weekdays 8am–5.30pm (UK time), excluding UK bank holidays, and Saturday (8 & 15 January 2022) 10am–2pm (UK time)

Unable to submit on Moodle

If you experience any problems during submission, please follow your department’s advice to email your file(s) as soon as possible to the relevant Departmental staff or submit your final assessment file through the alternative submission link (https://lseportal.force.com/studentservices/s/assessment-submission-form) as soon as possible and notify your department by email once you have submitted using the alternative link. Please note that you are subject to incurring late penalties if you submit your assessment late.

For online assessments through your Moodle, it is advisable that, in advance of your assessments, you ensure that you are registered on each of the relevant Moodle courses. If, for any reason, you find that you are not already enrolled, you can self-enrol on the necessary course(s).

  1. Find your course through either of the options below:

  • Either go to the Moodle Site home, login with your LSE username and password, to see a list of all departments. Click View to view the courses in your department and choose your course from the list.


  • Or login to Moodle, choose the global search (the magnifying glass icon in the top right corner) and type in the course code, e.g. EC201, and hit enter to search



2. Click View on the relevant course.


3. Click Enrol me. When you enrol yourself in a course, you are designated the role Auditing Student. This is no different to the Student role and provides you with the exact same permissions.


Important: If, when trying to enrol, you are asked for an enrolment key, you should contact the department to ask for it, or ask for it to be removed, or to manually enrol you.


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