Moodle 3.9

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What’s this?

Moodle is the open source product of a global online community of developers. Regular upgrades are important for continued security and new and/or improved features.

On 15th and 16th September 2021 we will be upgrading current Moodle from 3.5 to version 3.9 alongside the annual refresh process. This is a big jump, and quite a few improvements will be available.

(This had been planned for last year if it hadn’t been for the you-know-what.)

What’s new (and improved)?

New Features 3.9

New Features 3.8

New Features 3.7

New Features 3.6

Highlights: Quick look table

General/ Dashboard

  • Improved course overview in the dashboard (

  • Timeline block: easy overview of what tasks are due/ overdue

  • Course overview choices to improve search

  • Improved activity adder

  • Session timeout alert for students

  • Easily filter participants using multiple conditions

Messaging and Forums

  • Group messaging

  • Messaging and forum control improvements

  • Forums can be graded (blogs for assessment)

  • Users get a personal space for taking notes, links, reminders - part of their messaging drawer

  • Students can star and sort forums (for easier retrieval)

  • Notification centre now reminds of activities, not just messages. 

Assignment, Quiz

  • Recording assignment feedback

  • Session timeout alert for students (this will be useful for taking timed assignments in Moodle)

  • Improved Quiz statistics report

  • Quiz has a ‘clear my choice’ option

  • Quiz Question bank improvement:

    View question ID numbers and tags and benefit from a new Edit menu

Learning Analytics

  • H5P content bank and H5P reporting: Enable grading and attempt tracking for H5P

  • Detailed forum reports.

  • Analytics bulk actions: Bulk select and send messages to students from the Insights report


  • Media can be put into essay type questions in the lesson

  • H5P can be embedded into other activities

  • H5P reporting and grading


Overview and Timeline blocks on dashboard

Screenshot of new dashboard



Notification and messages 'drawer' - available to everyone





New look activity and resources picker

Starred activites and resources tab to access your favourites more quickly

Moodle 3.9 Upgrade Features - User Video Guides

Video 1 - Dashboard / General Features

Video 2 - Messaging / Forums

Video 3 - Assignment / Quiz

Video 4 - Learning Analytics

What training will there be?

We will shortly arrange for taster / Q&A sessions to introduce Moodle 3.9 new features and answer any questions. We will email dates to departments.

I would like access to the testing site

Please contact if you would like to be enrolled in our site - a copy of current (“production”) Moodle so you can have a look at how your own course(s) look like in the upgraded version.



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