Turnitin Service Status

Turnitin Service Status

Turnitin is a third-party service and LSE is not responsible for its operation. As the market leader, Turnitin inevitably experiences periods of high demand, which can slow the generation of similarity reports. It can also sometimes experiences outages.

How to check Turnitin’s service status

For the most up to date information about the status of the service, please see Turnitin’s status page.

To learn what each Turnitn’s service status banners indicates, see their related help page.

In the case of a major outage with Turnitin’s service, you may wish to check the Turnitin Status Twitter account for updates. Turnitin also posts notifications and reminders of planned maintenance to this account.

Does Turitin’s service status impact on Moodle submissions?

Turnitin outages will not affect Moodle assignments and files submitted by students will still be securely saved and available for grading and management in Moodle.

Similarity reports may be slightly delayed if Turnitin goes down; however, Moodle will keep automatically resubmitting the paper until service is restored, at which point the similarity report will be generated and sent to Moodle. No further action will be required in Moodle to make this happen.

If you are experiencing problems with the generation of similarity reports, please consult our guide What to do when Turnitin doesn’t generate a similarity report?



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