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Controlling what students can see and do on CampusPress (Staff Guide)

As a teacher you have the power to change some of the default settings for student sites associated with your class. For example, you may wish to prevent students from seeing each other’s sites, or you may decide that all sites must use the same skin to enforce a universal style. You can also choose how students interact with the main class site. This page provides an overview of all optional settings.

How to access the settings for all student sites associated with your class.

  1. Open the correct class site by navigating to My Sites > My Class Blogs > select your class from the drop-down menu > Dashboard

2. On the left-hand menu select My Class > Settings


This will give you access to all of the settings you can control for your students.

Managing settings across all sites connected to your class

These settings control how users can interact with the main class site, and who can see it. You can also enforce certain restrictions for the student sites associated with your class.

Allow students to post on the class blog

This determines whether students can add posts to the main class site. It does not affect their ability to post to their own site.


Yes, no moderation

Students can post to the class site and their posts will be visible immediately .

Yes, with moderation

Students can post to the class site. Posts are not visible until accepted by a teacher.

No (default)

Students cannot post to the class site. They can still post to their own site.


This determines how visible your class site will be to other users on the web. These settings affect the main class site and all student sites for that class.


Allow search engines to index this site

Makes sites discoverable through Google etc

Discourage search engines from indexing this site

Limits discoverability. This does not guarantee complete invisibility of the site.

Only registered users of London School of Economics and Political Science network can view this site

Sites cannot be seen by anyone not logged into LSE.

Only registered users of this site can view it (default)

Sites can only be seen by students and teachers on this specific class.

Only someone who provides the following password can view this site

Password required to view all class sites.


Select which users with admin access to the site will be teachers for this class. Teachers will have the ability to see student sites and manage the main class site.

Moderation on student blogs

This controls whether students can post directly to their own sites, and whether they can add comments to any sites to which they have access. If moderation is on posts and comments will need to be manually approved by a teacher before they appear. Temporarily enabling post moderation can be useful for marking. (See: )


I must approve all posts (default: off)

Students can make posts but they will not appear on their site until reviewed by a teacher.

I must approve all comments (default: off)

Students can comment on any site to which they have access but the comment will not appear until reviewed by a teacher.

Allow all students in this class to read each other's posts

By default students can read each other’s sites using the ‘Reader’ pane on their dashboard. If this is turned off, students will only be able to see their own site and the main class site. Teachers will still have access to all sites.

Student Permissions: managing student ability to personal sites and themes

CampusPress gives teachers the power to limit some of the changes students can make to their own blog. By default we encourage leaving these abilities on by default; however, at times a teacher may prefer to disallow some changes. Students can never add new skins, widgets, or plug-ins that have not been pre-approved by Eden Digital.


Switch Themes (default: on)

Allows students to choose from a selection of site skins pre-approved by Eden Digital.

Add/Edit Pages (default: on)

Allows students to add pages to their own site.

Add/Edit Posts (default: on)

Allows students to add posts to their own site.

Add/Edit CPTs (default: on)

Allows students to add custom post types to their own site.

Activate Plugins (default: on)

Allows students to use plug-ins pre-approved by Eden Digital.

Edit Settings, Theme Options, Widgets, Menus (default: on)

Allows students greater freedom to personalise and customise aspects of their site within pre-approved parameters.

For any further support, please contact

These pages are created by the LSE Digital Education Team and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License CC BY-SA 4.0