3. Scroll down a little and you have the option to switch courses. Beneath that, you will see an overview of your course’s average monthly accessibility score and the option to download the report.
4. Scroll down a little further and you will see two pie charts. One shows files processed on the Moodle course by document type and one shows alternative formats downloaded by format type. Roll over the smaller pie segments to see a pop up description of the document or format type.
5. If you scroll further down the page, you will see a table describing accessibility issues which Panorama has flagged up within course content. You can search for particular files and you can view items by file or by issue. In the content view, you will see a score to the right of each file and also a dustbin icon.
If you click the dustbin remove icon, you will have the option to remove a file from Panorama but not from Moodle. Deleting the file here will remove all accessibility reports generated by the file and also any alternative formats. You will be asked if you are sure if you wish to complete the action.