Creating and using manual grade items in the Gradebook

Creating and using manual grade items in the Gradebook

Why use it  

Students may already receive grades and feedback for activities such as assignments and quizzes in Moodle. Manual grade items can be used to record and release grades and feedback for in person activities, such as class participation or presentations.  

Creating a new item in the Gradebook

  1. Turn on editing.

  1. Click on ‘Grades’ in the course menu bar. 

  1. From the dropdown menu, select 'Gradebook setup.' 


  1. In ‘Gradebook setup’, click on the 'Add grade item' button.


  1. Name the grade item and set a 'maximum grade.' If you wish to delay the release of the grade to the students, you can tick to keep the grade item hidden. Once you are ready to release the grades, you can unhide the grade item. Scroll to the bottom to save your changes.


Your newly created grade item will appear in your Gradebook. Unlike other items in the Gradebook, it's not red because it doesn't appear as an activity on the course page. 

Adding grades and feedback 

  1. From the dropdown menu at the top of the page, select ‘Single view.’

  1. Ensure you have toggled ‘VIEW BY’ on the right of the screen to ‘Grade items.’ 

  1. From the ‘Select a grade item’ dropdown menu, select the relevant grade item. 

  1. Enter your grade and feedback and then click 'Save' on the bottom right of the page.

If students are allowed to view their grades and feedback and you didn’t hide the grade item when setting it up, students will see their grade and feedback as soon as you click ‘Save.’ If you’d like to prevent students from seeing their grade and feedback you can hide the Grade item, as described in step 5 of ‘Creating a new item in the Gradebook’ above. 

Exporting grades and feedback 

  1. Choose ‘Export’ from the main drop-down menu.

  1. By default, all the grade items in the Gradebook are selected. Click on ‘Select all/none’ to deselect them all and then select the relevant grade item. 

  1. Expand ‘Export format options’ and choose your preferences before clicking ‘Download.’ An Excel spreadsheet will be downloaded. 

Allowing students to view their grades and feedback.

Grades and feedback are hidden from students by default. Therefore, before students can view their grades and feedback in the Gradebook, you will need edit this setting.

  1. Choose ‘Course Grade Settings’ from the main drop-down menu.

  1. Under ‘User Report,' change the ‘Show grades’ and ‘Show feedback’ settings to ‘Show.’

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click ‘Save changes’.

How do students view their grade and feedback?

Provided the grade item is visible and grades and feedback have been made visible in ‘Course Grade Settings’, students can view their grade and feedback in the following way.

  1. From the course homepage, click on ‘Grades' in course menu bar.

  1. From the dropdown menu, select ‘User report.'

  1. Scroll to the relevant grade item to see the grade and feedback.

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