The Eden Centre is conducting a review of the LSE lecture recording policy during the first half of 2025.

All consultation surveys are now closed

Key Points:

Objectives and Rationale 

The review aims to assess the effectiveness and operation of the policy, understand staff and student experiences, and address any operational issues. The policy has a review interval of 3 years and it is now 3 years since the current policy was implemented.



The review focus is on policy effectiveness, operation, staff and student experience, and the impact of legislation. Please note that a move away from the current opt-out policy back to opt-in is not in scope, nor are changes in attendance policies or investigation of lecture attendance.  However, we are using this opportunity to gauge issues with the current policy and the appetite for a review of LSE’s lecture attendance related policies.

Please see below for further details of what will be covered by the review and what will not.

In scope

Not in scope

  • Policy Effectiveness

  • Policy Operation

  • Staff and Student Experience

  • Impact of Legislation

  • Changing from opt-out to opt-in

  • Changes to attendance policies or investigation of lecture attendance

  • Changes to student disability policy

  • Changes to intellectual property policy

  • Evaluation of lecture recording on student learning and performance


We will be consulting with various stakeholders, including taught students, teaching staff and other staff groups.

Staff survey

The staff consultation survey ran from early February until and is now closed.

Departmental submissions

Academic departments were asked to submit a departmental response. The deadline for departmental responses was

Student consultation

We ran a student education panel workshop during February. We also ran consultation surveys for academic reps and students registered with the LSE Disability and Mental Health Service (DMHS). Both surveys closed on .

Other stakeholders

Consultation has also been conducted directly with other relevant stakeholders.


Output from the consultations will be combined with analysis of the lecture recording service data along with benchmarking against comparator institutions into the recommendations report to be submitted to education committee .


If you have any questions about the consultation or the policy review please contact