This checklist is designed to be a quick guide to help you get started with Zoom for synchronous online meetings and teaching sessions. Please use this checklist as starting point and add to, and personalise the list based on your session requirements.
Zoom session preparation
For your Zoom meeting:
Ensure you have an internet-connected computer.
Check you can sign-in to Zoom using your LSE account.
Schedule your Zoom session and check the meeting settings, especially with regard to minimising disruption to your Zoom meeting.
See guide Setting up Zoom within your Moodle course if setting up your own meeting.
It is possible to schedule Zoom meetings on behalf of somebody else, but note that the process to schedule a meeting is different.
The person for whom you are scheduling will need to give you scheduling privileges over their account.
When scheduling for someone else do not assign them as an alternative host on your own meeting as this will prevent you from holding meetings at the same time.
Use headphones with microphone (to avoid audio feedback).
Check your webcam is working (if you wish to be seen by others).
Try to find a quiet space to hold the session.
Create a detailed session plan including timings and moderator roles.
Share useful resources ahead of the meeting (via Moodle). i.e. PowerPoint presentations.
Check accessibility requirements of participants.
Arrange a co-presenter to moderate the chat area and answer participant questions during the session, if required (recommended for large classes).
Set and send any etiquette and session instruction information to participants.
Send instructions to co-presenters or guest speakers (if applicable)
Practice using Zoom features in advance (see Tips for running large Meeting sessions below).
Prepare a Welcome message slide with the session start time and participant instructions to display
Send a link to this excellent LSE Life produced introductory Zoom video to your participants [direct YouTube link for LSE Life video].
Ensure your participants have:
An internet-connected computer or mobile phone.
Session date and time.
Informed you of any accessibility needs (encourage students to inform you by a certain date to ensure you can make appropriate arrangements in time).
Joining instructions, i.e. make sure the participation Zoom link is prominently displayed in the appropriate place on your Moodle course or sent via email. Do not post Zoom links on social media.
Etiquette and session guidelines for the session.
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If you are concerned about Zoom-bombing and disruption to meetings, please read our guide How to minimise disruption to Zoom meetings
Please also see our guidance regarding privacy and the use of Zoom.
At least 30 minutes before the session
Load your presentation and any resources to your computer ready for use. See guide Zoom Meeting controls to familiarise yourself with Zoom's meeting controls for sharing your screen and other controls
Clear your screen.
Tip: It is advisable that you clear your screen of applications / private documents and anything else not needed for the sessions (especially important if sharing your screen)
Join the session at least 20 minutes before the scheduled start time to run your setting checks to ensure your microphone, video and audio working. You will be prompted to check these when you first join the session.
For more information see Fixing Zoom audio problems
Tip: mute your audio /mic before until you start the session, in particular if participants are allowed to join earlier.
Check you have given co-host rights to your co-presenter and/or guest speaker
Display the Welcome message slide with the session start time and participant instructions to check their settings and equipment as they join.
At the start of the session
Allow 5 minutes for late arrivals and for attendees to settle in
Greet participants as they join the session via text chat or audio
Remind participants to test their microphone and speakers
Give a brief overview of the Zoom tool and how to use it during the session, including using chat and icons (i.e. raise hand)
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Remind participants the session will be recorded (if applicable) and that the recording maybe viewed by students/people who have not taken part in the session (if applicable). |
Start recording (if applicable)
Guide participants throughout the session and remind them how they can interact and locate features on the Zoom interface. See guide Host and Co-Host Controls in a Meeting.
End of the session
End the recording
Save a copy of the chat (if required)
If monitoring of students' attendance is necessary visit our guide Recording attendance at Zoom meetings
After the session
If you recorded your session you will receive an email from Zoom to confirm the session recording has been processed and an email to confirm that the recording has been uploaded to Echo 360.
You will need to login to Echo 360 to confirm which Moodle course the recording should be associated with.
For more information see Recording Zoom meetings for Echo 360 publication.
Session recording – Remind students that session recordings are available and where to find them in their Moodle course (if applicable).
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Note: The current attendee capacity for a single Zoom meeting is 300 simultaneous participants.
Have a co-presenter to help facilitate the Zoom session with you; especially if you are allowing chat messages and in case you have any unexpected issues.
Ensure your session is well planned and it has opportunities for the attendees to actively engage to keep their attention.
Add your notes and changes to this checklist, such as 'what went well' and 'what could be improved in the future'.
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