Info |
Please note that this section of the Gradescope support pages is currently under development. |
This guide will outline everything you need to know about as a student using the Gradescope assessment platform. Within the guide you will also find useful links to the official Gradescope student guides.
What is Gradescope?
Gradescope is an online assessment platform that supports the collection, grading and feedback process for is used to manage, collect and grade paper-based, digital and code assessments. The platform supports various types of assessments (e.g. paper-based problem sets, programming assignments, quizzes etc.)
Understanding Timed Assignments
All Gradescope assignments can be set-up with a time limit except for Programming Assignments. There will be a set amount of time that you will have to upload files or enter answers to questions. This section covers what you need to know for a timed assignment on Gradescope.
How will you know if an assignment is timed?
When you first open an assignment, a dialog box will appear to notify you about time limits if the assignment has been set up as timed.
What does the initial dialog box contain?
The dialog box will contain all the
Understanding Gradescope Submission Types
Variable-length submissions
Fixed-length submissions (templated)
Online assignment submissions
Code submissions
How to access Gradescope?
All Gradescope assignments will be accessible through the relevant Gradescope activity link on the Moodle course page. There is no need to log into Gradescope separately.
To access the Gradescope assignment click on the activity link within the relevant Moodle course page. A new window will open where the Gradescope platform will appear.
[Insert screenshot]
A list of all your assignments will appear in the Gradescope dashboard. On this list, you will see the status of the assignment, the release date, and the due date. If your instructor has enabled late submissions for the assignment, you’ll also see a late due date.
Click on the appropriate assignment to begin submitting your work.
[Insert screenshot]
Note |
Warning: If you see an error message when trying to access a Gradescope assignment this might mean that the assignment has not been released to students yet. |
How to submit an assignment to Gradescope?
Once you have accessed the correct assignment, you will then be asked to submit your assignment by upload PDFs or images, link code repositories, or start answering questions online depending on the assignment.
Please use the information and instructions below to learn more about the platform and how to access and submit work for your assessments.
How to access Gradescope?
To access the Gradescope platform you need to select the relevant Gradescope assignment link on a Moodle course page.
Click on the activity link (see example image below)on your Moodle course page. A new tab or browser window will open and the Gradescope platform will load.
Be patient as once you have clicked on the assignment link it can take longer than expected for the Gradescope platform to appear and your browser will refresh several times.
The link will take you to a specific part of the Gradescope platform and what appears will be dependent on the stage of the assessment process you are at. These stages are summarised below:
If you are due to submit an assignment: you will be taken through to the Gradescope submission page where you will be prompted to make your submission.
If you have submitted an assignment: you will be taken through to the submission review page. From this page you can view the submission. If the assignment deadline has not passed, you may be able to resubmit your submission.
If your submission has been graded: you will be taken through to the graded submission page. From this page you can view and download your submission with grader comments and feedback
Info |
If you click on the link to Gradescope but are not taken through to your assignment or see an error message please get in touch with your tutor or department contact. |
Submitting an assignment to Gradescope?
When accessing Gradescope from Moodle if you are due to submit an assignment you will be prompted to upload PDFs or images, link code repositories, or answer questions online depending on the assignment type. It is important you understand the type of submission you are required to make beforehand and you are aware of all the steps needed to complete submission successfully.
Note |
Warning: One of the most important aspects of PDF or multi-image submissions is assigning your responses to the right question. It is your responsibility to make sure that this process is completed correctly before submission. If this is not completed or errors have been made this may result in issues with the grading of your work. See more detailed information on assigning pages below. |
Info |
Timed Assignments: Ahead of submitting your work a dialog box may appear to inform you that the assignment is time limited. This means that only a certain amount of time has been assigned to complete the assignment. Read the information in the dialog box and only click Start Assignment when you are sure that you are ready to begin the assignment. See more detailed information on timed assignments below. |
Understanding the different Gradescope submission types
There are several submission types you may be asked to make via Gradescope. If you are unsure of how you will be submitting, please contact your tutor or relevant departmental contact ahead of submission to confirm the specific type of submission you will be making. Below is an overview of the different types of submission you may be required to make.
For these assignments your responses can extend over multiple pages. If your instructor requests this type of submission, you will be presented with two options for submitting your work when you open the assignment:
Multiple images which you will be prompted to assign to the corresponding question. It is possible to assign more than one image per question.
An individual PDF that contains your whole submission. You will be required to indicate where the answer for each question is located so your instructor is able to grade the paper appropriately.
Note |
Warning: It is essential that when prompted you assign the location of each answer within a submission document to a specific question. Assigning the answer to a question is your responsibility and if done incorrectly may lead to answers not being marked or being marked against the wrong question. |
2. Templated (Fixed-length) submissions
For this assignment type you will need to adhere to a specific fixed-length template or worksheet for submission. If your instructor requires a templated submission, they will usually supply you with a physical or digital copy that you will use for your submission. You must input your responses within the specifically designated areas of the template document. You will only have one option for submitting your work when you open the assignment:
An individual PDF that contains your whole submission. Since your instructor has specified where your responses should be placed, you will NOT be required to identify which pages contain the answers to each question.
Info |
Note: Make sure you are aware of how to access any templates/worksheets required to complete the assessment. You may be able to access a download link for templates/worksheets directly from Gradescope during the submission stage. |
If a template is available a download link will appear in a blue box in the instructions as part of the assignment submission process.
Programming assignments allow you to submit code. You have three options for submitting your work:
Dragging and dropping your code files into Gradescope
Submitting a GitHub repository after linking your account
Submitting a Bitbucket repository after linking your account
Please Note: Please follow this guide to linking your account if you plan to submit using GitHub or Bitbucket.
4. Online Assignment submissions
Online assignments involve a mix of questions which may require answers to be typed, indicated within Gradescope or uploaded. Below is a brief summary of the ways you could be asked to give your answers in an online assignment:
Short answer: you enter a typed response on Gradescope using a word, number/equation, or a few words.
Free response: you enter a typed response on Gradescope using multiple lines or paragraphs.
Multiple choice: you select a single answer from a group of options.
Select all: you select multiple answers from a group of options.
File upload: you answer the question outside of Gradescope and then upload a file or image of the answer.
How to make a submission?
As there are various submission types the steps to submit may differ. However, the general guidance below will provide you with a guide to the steps that you will need to complete. For more detailed information please refer to the submission guidance from Gradescope.
Submitting a PDF
Please follow the steps to upload a PDF submission:
Use the Moodle link to access your assignment.
You will be prompted to ‘Submit Images’ or ‘Submit PDF’
Click on the ‘Submit PDF’ icon.
You will be prompted to upload a PDF containing your responses.
Click on the ‘Select PDF’ button.
The file browser for your device will open
Locate the PDF file on your device and confirm the selection.
Check the filename is correct and click on the option to ‘Upload PDF’
Note |
Variable Length Submissions: For variable length submissions there are additional steps that must be completed. It is essential that you indicate where your responses to each question are located in the PDF. If you do not it can result in issues during the grading process. A ‘Question Outline’ will be displayed on the left-hand side of the Gradescope interface, and a preview of the pages contained within your PDF upload on the right. To indicate responses:
It is possible to assign multiple questions to the same page and multiple pages to one question. Otherwise, the Assign Pages Sequentially button can be used if each question is on its own page within the PDF. |
Once you have completed the steps above and you are happy that the upload has been successsful the final stage is the submission and review process:
Click on the ‘Submit’ button in the bottom right-hand corner.
A message should appear indicating that the submission is successful and you should receive a confirmation email.
Click on ‘Close’
Review your submission to make sure you have selected the right pages
Use the ‘Next Question’ button in the bottom right-hand corner to cycle through each response.
If required, it is possible to select the ‘Reselect Pages’ button in the bottom left and reassign pages if the due date has not yet passed or the time limit has not run out.
If required, it is possible to select the ‘Resubmit’ button to upload another PDF. This is usually only available if the due date has not yet passed, and/or the time limit has not run out. You will have to repeat the steps above and only the most recent submission will appear for grading.
Submitting individual images
Please follow the steps to complete a submission containing image files:
Use the Moodle link to access your assignment.
You will be prompted to ‘Submit Images’ or ‘Submit PDF’.
Click on the ‘Submit Images’ icon.
You will be prompted to upload all the images containing your responses individually for each question.
Click on the ‘Select image(s)’ button beside the first question.
The file browser for your device will open
Locate and select the image files needed on your device and confirm the selection.
Repeat this until you have selected image files for every question. It is possible to use the same image for multiple questions.
Check the correct images are attached and click on the option to ‘Submit Assignment’.
A message should appear indicating that the submission is successful, and you should receive a confirmation email.
Click on ‘Close’
Review your submission to make sure you have selected the right image files.
If required, it is possible to select the ‘Resubmit’ button to upload images again. This is usually only available if the due date has not yet passed, or the time limit has not run out. You will have to repeat the steps above and only the most recent submission will appear for grading.
Submitting an Online Assignment
Select the assignment that you wish to complete online.
If the assignment is ‘not timed’ then you will be able to begin answering the questions.
If the assignment is ‘timed’ then a dialog box will appear containing important information such as the due date, the latest date/time to begin the assignment and the maximum time permitted to complete the assignment.
Please Note: If the assignment is ‘timed’ there will be a timer displaying how many minutes are left to complete the assignment which can be hidden if you wish. The timer will start once you click on the ‘Start Assignment’ button.
Click on ‘Start Assignment’ to begin the online assignment.
Make sure to reach each question carefully and pay attention to how the answer should be submitted as there are multiple ways to provide answers.
The questions that have been completed and those left to answer can be tracked along the top of the screen.
If the assignment is ‘not timed’ then the ‘Submit Answer’ button needs to be clicked after each question is completed with a timestamp appearing next to each answer that is submitted.
If the assignment is ‘timed’ then the answers will be autosaved as the questions are completed. There will NOT be a submit button.
Once the assignment is completed select ‘View Your Submission’ to check everything over. It is possible to ‘Resubmit’ or update answers during the allotted time and submission period as needed. Only the final answer for each question will be graded.
Submitting code
Select the programming assignment that you wish to submit code for and a dialog box will appear.
The code file(s) can either be dragged and dropped into the dialog box OR submitted as a GitHub / Bitbucket repository.
If submitting from GitHub / Bitbucket then you will first need to link your account if this has not been done already. A prompt will then appear to choose the repository and branch allowing for the upload of as many files as necessary.
Will there be a submission notification?
Once you have submitted to an assignment, you will receive an automated email from Gradescope which will include the date and time of submission, the assignment due date and link to your submission.
Note |
A submission notification will NOT be sent for an Online Assignment. |
Using the Gradescope Mobile App
The Gradescope mobile app allows for students to submit their assignments, and view their grades using their mobile device. The app is available for both iOS and Android mobile users.
Please take a look at the following Gradescope guides for further information:
Scanning Work on a Mobile Device (for assignments not compatible with the app)
Understanding Timed Assignments
All Gradescope assignments can be set-up with a time limit except for Programming Assignments. There will be a set amount of time that you will have to upload files or enter answers to questions. This section covers what you need to know for a timed assignment on Gradescope.
How will you know if an assignment is timed?
When you first open an assignment, a dialog box will appear to notify you about time limits if the assignment has been set up as timed.
What does the initial dialog box contain?
The dialog box will contain all the information about timed assignment including how many minutes has been allocated for you to complete the assignment, the latest date/time that the assignment can be started to allow for the full time allocation and the due date.
The ‘Start Assignment’ button in the dialog box should only be selected once you are sure that you are ready to begin the assignment.
Note |
It is important to remember that there is no way to pause the timer once the assignment has been started. |
Is it possible to submit after the assignment deadline?
If the instructor has enabled late submissions for the assignment it may be possible to still upload a submission after the deadline. Although, if a ‘late deadline’ has been enabled it is not possible to submit after this date/time has passed.
Note |
It is important to keep in mind that a late submission may still be subject to deductions depending on the assignment. |
How to view your grade and feedback
Once your submission has been marked, you will be able to access the grade and feedback when they are published by your tutor. Your overall grade will be available on Moodle. To view individual grading for specific questions in more detail and read feedback comments you need to access the Gradescope assignment from the Moodle page.
To view the grade for the assignment:
Login to Moodle and access the course page.
Within the navigation sidebar on the left of the Moodle course page click on ‘Grades’.
To review your submission and read feedback:
Click on the Gradescope assignment link on the Moodle course page
Gradescope will launch in a new window where your submission, point breakdown and feedback comments will be visible.
Troubleshooting submission upload issues
If you find that after following the guidance you are still having issues with submitting your assessment, please get in touch with your tutor and any relevant departmental contacts. You may also find it useful to refer to the best practices guide on the Gradescope website.