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PSS Download Scripts
Info |
Ensure you download the exam scripts as |
PDF files before any marking takes place. These scripts include LSE candidate numbers for anonymisation, allowing them to be sent directly to the |
First Marker to support marking of hybrid scripts. |
Digiexam Access
Digiexam access instructions are issued by the LSE Exams team. Log into Digiexam using your LSE credentials.
Step 1: Navigate to the
Exam Summary
The exam administrator LSE Exams teamwill end the exam, at this point it passes into the ‘Graded’ ‘Graded’ tab of the Digiexam web interface.
PSS selects the relevant exam from the list by clicking on the blue link. Note: check the Exam ID corresponds to the correct sitting of the exam.
The next page displays a summary of the exam summary with automatic grading rules applied. At this point, the student identities have not been anonymised.
Step 2: Download PDF Exam Scripts
Ensure that all students and all 20 questions are selected. You can confirm this by checking that the option to “Deselect all” is visible next to each selection, which indicates that everything has been successfully selected. Please do not click "Deselect all."
Using the visual guidance, check Check the following boxes under each section:
Print settings
Name settings
Show Student code
Check all boxes
Question title
Question shown to students
Answering alternatives
Show if alternative is correct
Students' Answers
Note |
Ensure that only the "Show Student Code" option is selected under the Name Settings. Selecting any other option under the Name Settings will reveal student identities and compromise the anonymisation of the scripts intended for marking by the marker. |
Select the Preview button at the bottom of the print results page.
Store the downloaded PDF files in a secure and easily accessible location. These files could be required for another step later in the marking process.Do not rename the files. The filenames include the Student CodeThe filenames include LSE candidate numbers (referred to as ‘student code’ by Digiexam), which will help in maintaining maintain anonymity and make it easy to locate specific student scripts to share during later stages.
Downloads Grades Spreadsheet
Download the grades spreadsheet to keep a record of students, their marks with automatic grading, and their Digiexam anonymised identifiers. This spreadsheet can also be used by PSS when releasing grades to students, as it allows them to match the anonymised identifier to the corresponding LSE student candidate number.
Step 1: Anonymise candidates
On the exam summary page, click the “Anonymise exam” “Anonymise exam” button. This will hide students' personal details and replace their names with generic Digiexam’s anonymised identifiers such as Student 1, Student 2, etc.
Click the down arrow next to ‘Download grades spreadsheet’ and select the option: Indicate unanswered questions with “-”. Save the spreadsheet as something identifiable like ‘IR203 All Candidate Details'.
Click ‘Download grades spreadsheet’
In the downloaded spreadsheet, Under the First Name column , includes each student’s name is accompanied by their assigned Digiexam anonymous identifier.
The Student Code column includes each student’s LSE Candidate Number.
Note |
This grading spreadsheet reveals student identities. Ensure they are it is stored securely and access is restricted to authorised personnel only. This spreadsheet It should not be shared with the markerFirst Marker. |
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Instead of downloading new files for hybrid scripts, PSS can simply use the first batch of exam scripts already downloaded. These files already have the Student Code as LSE candidate number appended to their filenames, making it easy to identify and share individual student files with markersscripts with the First Marker. Once outside Digiexam, these hybrid scripts should can be treated as paper exams and follow the local offline marking process. |
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Using the previously downloaded grading spreadsheet, PSS can identify students with LON status by locating their assigned anonymised identifiers Digiexam identifier (e.g., Student 1, Student 2). The grading spreadsheet lists each student's name alongside their identifier, allowing you to cross-reference and determine which students have an LON. Only Using the anonymised Digiexam anonymous identifier for students with LON status should be noted down. This ensures that anonymity is preserved throughout the process. If required for marking, these identifiers may be shared with the marker to facilitate the grading of students with LON. Students with LONS LONs who have completed hybrid scripts can be marked following the hybrid marking procedure. They can be identified using candidate numbers and marked offline. |
First marker process
Digiexam Access
either online using the Digiexam identifier or offline using LSE candidate number. |
PSS Share Exam with First Marker on Digiexam
Note |
The exam must be shared with the First Marker only after Digiexam’s anonymisation setting has been turned on. |
Step 1: Ensure anonymisation is turned on
Note |
If you have already turned anonymity on during the previous step, the “Anonymise exam” button will appear as “Remove anonymisation” and does not need to be pressed again. |
If the exam is not anonymised, click the “Anonymise exam” button on the main exam summary page. This will hide students' personal details and replace their names with Digiexam anonymous identifiers such as Student 1, Student 2, etc.
Step 2: Sharing exam
On the exam summary page, click the “Share grading work...” button.
PSS enters the email address of the Teacher that is acting as First Marker
Ensure all of the questions and students are selected and select the option to ‘Share grading work'. This shares the anonymised marking with the First Marker.
First Marker Process
Digiexam Access
The First Marker is given the ‘Teacher’ role within the Digiexam environment. Digiexam access instructions are issued by the LSE Exams team. Log into Digiexam using your LSE credentials.
Step 1: Navigate to the Exam Summary
Once correctly shared by PSS, the exam will pass into the ‘Graded’ tab of the Digiexam web interface.
Step 2: Download Anonymised Grade Spreadsheet v1
In the ‘Graded’ tab, the first marker First Marker selects the relevant exam from the list by clicking on the blue link. Note: check the Exam ID corresponds to the correct sitting of the exam.
The next page displays a summary of the exam summary with automatic grading rules applied.
The student identities will be anonymised and accompanied with their Digiexam identifiers: ‘Student 1' 'Student 2’ etc.
Click the down arrow next to ‘Download ‘Download grades spreadsheet’ spreadsheet’ and select the option: “Indicate unanswered questions with “-”
Click ‘Download grades spreadsheet’ and save as 'Anonymised Grade spreadsheet v1’‘Download grades spreadsheet’. This will download an anonymised grade spreadsheet from Digiexam with automatic ‘right minus wrong’ grading rules applied. Note: students Save the file as ‘Anonymised Grade spreadsheet v1’. Students in this spreadsheet are referred to as 'Student 1','Student 2' etc. not by using Digiexam’s anonymous identifiers and not LSE candidate number.
Info |
‘Grade spreadsheet v1’ marking spreadsheet ‘Anonymised Grade spreadsheet v1’ acts as a reference point for when troubleshooting any issues during subsequent marking . |
steps. We recommend the First Marker makes a copy of this spreadsheet and saves it in a secure location for later reference. |
Step 3: Review Answers to Questions with One Correct Answer
First markerMarker uses conditional formatting to highlight scores of '0' in questions with one correct answer in ‘Grade spreadsheet v1’.
First marker clicks option ‘Continue grading’ on DigiexamMarker returnsto the Digiexam exam summary screen and clicks option ‘Continue grading’.
In the grading page, first marker First Marker identifies questions with one correct answer by selecting the relevant student in the right panel of the Digiexam interface.
The student’s response loads in the left panel of the screen, Digiexam indicates whether answers provided by the student were correct or incorrect.
First markerMarker refers to the student answer and either updates the ‘Points’ ‘Points’ field from ‘0' to ‘2’ if the student has select selected one correct AND one incorrect answer or leaves the ‘Points’ score at '0’ if the scoring rule has been correctly applied. The captures below show the two possible outcomes.
4: Saving Overwritten
Marks on Digiexam
Once the first marker First Marker has finished overwriting marks for a student or group of students, please ensure that the "Save and close" button located in the top panel of the grading page in Digiexam is clicked to confirm and save the changes. Note: this will close the grading view and return to the exam summary page.
Note |
Please ensure It is essential you manually click the "Save and close" button in the top panel of the grading page in Digiexam, even if the automatic save notification appears. If work is not manually saved, it will automatically be automatically lost when PSS removes anonymisation. |
5: Download Anonymised Grade Spreadsheet v2
First markerMarker follows instructions in Step 1 2 to download the anonymised grade spreadsheet again, this time it contains the overwritten ‘0’ marks to questions with one correct answer. Click ‘Download ‘Download grades spreadsheet’ spreadsheet’ and save as ‘Anonymised Grade spreadsheet v2’
6: Update
Marks to Questions with Three Correct Answers
Note |
The marks for questions with three correct answers only need to corrected on the grades spreadsheet. The marking to these questions is not updated on Digiexam. |
First Marker updates marks to questions with 3 correct answers on grade the v2 grades spreadsheet from '1.333333333333333' or '2.666666666666667' to '1' or '2' respectively, this can be done using find and replace on Excel. The spreadsheet now contains all the correct marks. Note: answers are not updated on Digiexam.
When using find and replace, ensure you copy the exact number directly from the cell This ensures the replacement is accurate, as Excel will only replace the number if it matches exactly, including all decimals.
7: Updating Final Grades
First marker Marker will need to create a new Final Grade Column calculate the final grade and percentage mark on the spreadsheet. Add a new column columns to the v2 grading spreadsheet called "New Final Grade" and “Percentage”. "
Using an appropriate formula sum the marks across the individual columns for each student to give the total score. This can be done by using =SUM (cell of first question:cell of last question)
After calculating the final grade for each student, add another column called "Percentage". You will need to apply the appropriate formula to convert the final grade Use = (New Final Grade / 80) *100 to convert this into a percentage.
This is the end of the First Marker process and the final spreadsheet can now be saved and should be shared with PSS.
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If required, a Moderator reviews can review a sample of exams (referring to 'Student ‘Student 1' 'Student ‘Student 2' etc.) on Digiexam. Note: the scoring on Digiexam is not going to be correct for questions with 3 correct answers. However, a key can be used to let the moderator know what '1.3' and '2.6' refer to. They The Moderator can also access the correct updated marks of all students on the 'Anonymous grade spreadsheet v2’. If no issues are found, marking is complete. If any issues are identified, the moderator will notify the first marker and First Marker who will review the relevant exams directly in within Digiexam. If marks need adjustment, the moderator will compile a list of affected students and their corrected scores. Once moderation is complete, this list is passed to the first marker, who will update the marks accordingly in DigiexamThe First Marker will need to update affected marks in 'Anonymous grade spreadsheet v2’. |
Note |
From Step 5 'Download Anonymised Grade Spreadsheet v2' onwards, marks in the offline grading spreadsheet will diverge from what is displayed in Digiexam. It is therefore important not to refer to the automatic grading displayed in Digiexam as the basis of grade release. |
PSS Reveal Identities for ‘Anonymised Grade Spreadsheet v2’
PSS receives the 'Anonymised Grade
PSS should now Spreadsheet v2' from the First Marker, that contains the updated final grade and percentage mark. A VLOOKUP function can be used to cross-reference the student identifiers from the initial spreadsheet (downloaded at the start of the process) with the final grades spreadsheet provided by the marker.In the final grades spreadsheet, which contains the correct marks and final grades calculated by the teacher, use the student identifiers to this data with the LSE candidate numbers from the ‘IR203 All Candidate Details' spreadsheet downloaded during ‘PSS downloads grades spreadsheet’. The two images below demonstrate the two sets of data:
Info |
The Digiexam anonymous identifier data in column A of ‘IR203 All Candidate Details’ needs to be cleaned up before VLOOKUP can be used. |
PSS match each student with the appropriate marks per question, final grade .
Once matched, replace the student identifiers in the master spreadsheet with a form of student identification that can be recognized (e.g., student names, ID numbers). This will ensure that students can be identified while maintaining confidentiality.
The updated spreadsheet is now ready for the release of marks. This is the final step in the process before sharing the marks with the and email address. The marking is now ready to be reconciled with any offline or paper marking and released to students.