Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



Ensure you download the exam scripts as PDF files before any marking takes place. These scripts can also be used to support hybrid marking, as include LSE candidate numbers are used for anonymisation, allowing them to be sent directly to the First Marker to support hybrid marking.

Digiexam Access

Log into Digiexam using your LSE credentials.


PSS Share exam on Digiexam


The exam must be shared with the First Marker only after anonymisation has been turned on.

Step 1: Ensure anonymisation is turned on


Ensure all of the questions and students are selected and select the option to ‘Share grading work'. This shares the anonymised marking with the first marker.




Marker Process

Digiexam Access

Digiexam access instructions have been issued by the LSE Exams team. Log into Digiexam using your LSE credentials.

Step 1: Download Anonymised Grade Spreadsheet v1

In the ‘Graded’ tab the first marker First Marker selects the relevant exam from the list by clicking on the blue link. Note: check the Exam ID corresponds to the correct sitting of the exam.


Click ‘Download grades spreadsheet’ and save as 'Anonymised Grade spreadsheet v1’. This will download an anonymised grade spreadsheet from Digiexam with automatic ‘right minus wrong’ grading rules applied. Save the file as ‘Anonymised Grade spreadsheet v1’. Note: students in this spreadsheet are referred to as Digiexam anonymised identifier using Digiexam’s anonymous identifiers: 'Student 1', 'Student 2' etc. and not by LSE candidate number.



‘Grade spreadsheet v1’ can act as a reference point for troubleshooting any issues the first marker has encounters during the subsequent marking steps. We recommend the first marker makes a copy and saves it in a secure location before any marking commences.

Step 2: Review Answers to Questions with One Correct Answer

First markerMarker uses conditional formatting to highlight scores of '0' in questions with one correct answer in ‘Grade spreadsheet v1’.


First marker Marker returnsto the Digiexam grading view exam summary and clicks option ‘Continue grading’.


In the grading page, first marker First Marker identifies questions with one correct answer by selecting the relevant student in the right panel of Digiexam.


The student’s response loads in the left panel of the screen.


First markerMarker either updates the ‘Points’ field from ‘0' to ‘2’ if the student has selected one correct AND one incorrect answer or leaves the ‘Points’ score at '0’ if the scoring rule has been correctly applied. The captures below show the two possible outcomes.


Step 5: Update Answers to Questions with Three Correct Answers

First markerMarker updates all answers to questions with 3 correct answers on grade spreadsheet from '1.3' or '2.6' to '1' or '2' respectively, this can be done using find and replace on Excel. The spreadsheet now contains all the correct marks. Note: marking to these questions is not updated on Digiexam.
