TurnItIn is a service that matches text from student assignments against its extensive databases of current and archived internet content, student work previously submitted student coursework, websites and academic papershave submitted to Turnitin, periodicals, journals, and publications. Turnitin produces a similarity report and a score (%) of matched text.
Turnitin will check submitted work for text matches against its databases and produce a similarity report and score (%). When the similarity report is ready, the percentage score will show in the submissions table of the Moodle assignment. Clicking on the percentage score icon will open up the similarity report in Turnitin’s Feedback Studio. Here, you can review the similarity report and identif identify text matches to outside sources such as the current and archived Internet, journal articles and previously submitted student papers. Turnitin will then produce an Originality report which will detail all the the source of those matches.
To ensure you don’t experience issues when accessing Turnitin we recommend that you use Chrome, Firefox or Safari (on a Mac) and stay up to date with the latest versions.